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  1. #1

    Default Alter Ego Dosage

    Hi Everyone.
    Could you please just quickly tell me what your most succesfull AE dosage is and weather you use a dab or drop.

    Dab = Put finger on top of bottle and turn.
    Drop = Drop from eye dropper.

    Thanks allot.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    As long as we\'re asking AE questions, I\'ll jump on the bandwagon. I find that AE smells prety good all by itself. Am I in the percentage who can\'t smell the \'none? Does it have a less than desirable odor that I\'m just missing?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    Hey Bassman,

    Believe it or not, I know a girl who I\'ve been on the LJBF vibe for over a year with now even though I\'ve wanted more. I havn\'t seen her for the past 3 weeks trying to avoid her to sort of try to kill that LJBF vibe. Eventually when I do see her, I\'ll be wearing the pheros I\'ve recently purchased, maybe I\'ll get as lucky as you and have something turn out of it.

    BTW, the only pheros I used around her in the past year was TE and that really never changed her opinion of me, although I noticed that when I ran out, she wasn\'t as \"close\" friendly as she used to be. Hopefully the pheros I bought now will help the situation even more (TE, SOE, NPA, APC).

  4. #4

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    \'Tis interesting, \'tis. My very best friend is a girl less than half my age with whom I\'ve had many intimate conversations, long drunken sprees, mushroom visions, etc. over the past couple of years. We\'ve tried to be lovers, but it just plain doesn\'t work for us. She is quite aware of my phero experimentation, as we are both herbalists of sorts. At this particular point, we both are discussing pheros as the human analogue of those things that herbal magicians and perfumers have used for eons to incite lust - musk, civit, etc.

    My latest experiments have been with combining the very male -none with a fairly feminine body spray - specifically, Calgon Ginger with PI added to .0025% none conc. About eight sprays over the entire body, with a little Jovan Musk for Men added around the neck. This has been daywear with liberal quantities of PF added behind the ears and on the wrists when I am out performing/rehearsing (enough to make me hot - probably 8 dabs or so).

    Couple interesting hits - a keyboard player I\'ve been practicing with who _never_ is physical with me wrapped her arms around me the other night, buried her head in my neck and exclaimed, \"You smell just like candy!\" Well, yes... couple of days later I went for an ultrasound, and when I took off my shirt, the very hot young tech went on and on about how good I smelled.

    Back to LJBF - so the other night over Guinnesses, my friend says to me, \"You are getting very good at this.\" [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Further conversation revealed that even tho she knows me _real_ well, and knows _exactly_ what I\'m doing, in those moments between thoughts, when she\'s not quite paying attention, she\'s been having real horny feelings about me. Yum. She\'s also yelling \"NO!\" loudly to herself [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] As am I... It rocks to have a friend close enough to be able to share the subcontexts.

    Good luck to you. If it\'s just a lack of the proper signals between you and your friend, I bet the mones will do the trick.

    [ February 12, 2002: Message edited by: BassMan ]

    [ February 12, 2002: Message edited by: BassMan ]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I wasn\'t her \"body\" type. She obvously likes the bigger guys who hit the gym...hence I started hitting the gym in our 3 weeks apart. Furthermore, I did noticec that if we\'re at a club together or have had a little to drink, she does get more flirtious but only to a point and backs out. I figure keeping in touch with her over the phone, working out in the mean time and trying the lastest mixes of mones posted on here might present a different result in her attitude toward me. Time will tell. Thanks for the input.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage


    so i guess you play in a band? (as a bassist of course)
    what music do you play?
    i too am a musician.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    My most successful AE dosage was the first night I got the stuff. 4-5 dabs on the neck. Complete guesswork, as it was my first real exposure to pheros.

    The woman I had over for dinner had kept me in the LJBF zone for a year and a half. Dinner and a couple of glasses of wine later, she was in my lap, beginning what turned out to be a torrid several-month-long affair. And we remain friends after the breakup, to boot. Thanks, AE [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    I do the singer-songwriter circuit with my own act, me on guitar and singing, with a variety of friends backing me up. I also play bass for several other singer-songwriter folks here. Recently, I\'ve been getting more and more calls for lead guitar instead of bass. I\'m told my guitar style sounds a bit like Dicky Betts. That southern rock sound must be coming back into fashion, as the lead calls have really picked up lately. I also do some studio work around here, mostly bass, but occasionally guitar and djembe.

    What sort of music/instruments do you play?

    To get this back to pheros - I have taken to using fairly high doses of pheros on stage - it seems to motivate me to put more into the theater aspect of the performace. Any one else playing with that?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    I\'m getting good responses with 2 drops on hair and 2 drops on neck. Not getting any big hits but people are more friendly, talk a lot, etc. By the way 1 drop AE = 0.017 ml

  10. #10

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    Lusoman, how did you come up with the volume of 0.017 ml for the dropper? I\'ve also seen the number of 0.05 ml/drop, but that was said to be from either a dripper cap, eye dropper, or bottle mouth lip. I think it is questionable that such different ways of producing a drop should result in the same volume. 0.05 ml/drop would be a diameter of 2.3 mm, while 0.017 ml/drop would be 1.6 mm.

    There was a post a while back which stated that a good dose of pheros for getting hits was about 0.020-0.032 mg. With 0.45 mg/ml pheros i AE that translates to 2.6-4.2 drops of 0.017 ml, and 0.9-1.4 drops of 0.05.

    About 2 drops, one smeared behind the ears, and one between the wrists have produced some clear behavioral effects around me. However, I don\'t like to apply it to those places any more as it gets stuck to my wrist watch and coat. Instead I\'ve just started to try applying it to the front of the throat where it wont be in contact with clothing. Has anone tried this and can comment on the differences?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    8 - 9 dabs is the uppermost limit but it will get good results and if spread over the face neck and wrists it will not be OD but will get good results ( another thought you can apply more but if you do do it over a wider area that way you wont OD strickly speaking but the effects will be good) a bit like the wipes more over a larger area seems to make it seem more natural to women and gets some responses. Just make sure that if you have the ladies wearing the same stuff [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] that you play it cool or just react normal lol

  12. #12

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    Just for general information a small correction. 0.017 has two significant digits.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage


    I am a songwriter, unfortunately all these songs are only played in my own stereo. I play mostly metal, rock/pop rock, and the radio friendly stuff. I play guitar and bass and i\'m kinda wishing to play in a band because that will be one heck of a way to spread the pheros in the air. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Rockstar + Pheros = Sex Symbol [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    [ February 13, 2002: Message edited by: Redcapp ]

  14. #14

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    To whoami:
    I measured the volume of AE eye dropper to a mark then counted the number of drops.
    Total Volume / nÂș of drops = Volume of 1 drop
    This volume is an average of 3 measures and rounded to 3 significant digits
    Ex 0.0168 is rounded to 0.017

    The volume of a drop of AE is diferent from another liquid. If you repeat the same test with water (for example) you get more drops even from the same dropper.

    Remember that the post you mentioned about optimal phero concentration was mainly for -none. AE is a mix of -none, -nol and -rone.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    Hey Red, I was in a couple of bands, never got the rock star treatment, always a bit odd for most... Hmmm, that doesn\'t seem out of character... Needless to say, I have one line of advice for ANYONE going into a band, wear ear protection. I can no longer hear a conversation in a crowd. It is really annoying, and I am doing whatever to save what hearing I have left. Needless to say, get some good ear plugs, be damned with the \"Vibe\" and learn to live with it. At this point I mainly play acoustic, and I don\'t have to worry, but fer cryin out loud, don\'t be an idiot like me and lose a major part of yer hearing.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Alter Ego Dosage

    You\'re right StanBo, my mistake.

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