Hey Pere! I'm still around,

but did not have the time to log in due to work commitments. However, I am glad to report that I've been

test-driving A314 on a fairly long basis, and this is what I've found:

In social settings, A314 doesn't seem to

do much, if anything at all. But that could be because I've been trying it out with people I already know, and they

may not be affected by the 'mones.

However, A314 does seem to have a very positive effect in my new workplace.

My students are more respectful and attentive, and my colleagues also seem to approach me with a healthy dose of

respect. My colleagues have spoken to me about my having an aura of authority surrounding me. An aura of leadership,

commitment and charisma. And as always, a couple of colleagues have perceived me as a threat, which they have felt

the need to mitigate via office politics, which is par for the course in any work environment. Mostly my experiences

have been positive though. I apply 2 drops to the inside of each forearm and spread them out evenly. Covered with my

usual deodorant.

I must stress that its simply not the work of the 'mones themselves. One must exude confidence

and project a picture of authority, which the 'mones complement and complete. It also helps when you can bark out

commands and instructions like a drill sergeant.