Small update:
Went out to

dinner with a long time gal pal (~4 years) very close friend, nothing sexual most of the time, and one of her

friends (a girl I've met once... twice maybe). My good friend is a wee bit more touchy, and occasionally got DIHL,

where the other girl was constantly twiddling her hair and had a near-constant DIHL, too bad I didn't think she was

cute at all. The most exciting news was my good friend's roomie from last year (she's staying at her old place).

This was definitely a hit... She was very very physical, caressing me when we hugged, leaning against me, woohoo!

Too bad she had 2 papers to write for tomorow, LoL!
The weapons of choice were:
1/3 pack of unscented SOE (wrists,

elbows, back of neck, front/sides of neck, behind ears, and on chest, and wiped my fingers off on my temple). I

covered it with 2.5 sprays of Hugo Boss Baldessarini (.5 on the undergarments (mist and walk through), 1 spread

between wrists and neck, and 1 walk-through on the outergarments). As a side note, has anyone ever mixed NPA with
