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  1. #1
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    Default SOE and Nexus 1st Time

    Hello Everybody, My name is Cris

    My first purchase of mones

    was a couple a years back when I purchased thru Athena and paid over $100 for their little bottle. I mixed it with

    my Curve aftershave and notice no results or changes.



    Last week right before I found out about this site I ordered Nexus none spray for $50. Then I

    found this site and I really liked what I was reading about SOE so I ordered 7 SOE unscented packets for $10. I

    recieved the SOE Gel packs on Wednesday and on Thursday morning I applied 1/2 a pack of SOE on the pulse points of

    my neck and wrist with a lil bit of Curve Crush as my cover. I work at a Office and didn't notice anything

    different no extra eye contact or extra smiles, same ole same ole. And then yesterday I recieved the Nexus none

    product and thought it was type small for $50. But anyways this morning I put on the other half of the SOE gel pack

    and one spray of Nexus none. And today at work again nothing new - nothing special. I'ma try just a whole pack of

    SOE tomorrow to see whats up. This is my first post and my stats are below to give you a mental


    23 Year Old Male - 5foot7 - Single - Light Tan Complexion - Latino

    living in New York - I'm good at Conversating but I need more confidence as far as attracting girls with more than

    just friends status.

  2. #2


    I have gotten excellent

    results using just a pack of SOE gel, so yeah, go for it! I don't know a thing about Nexus ...

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I'm 5'10, slender but athletic

    black male.

    I've been using Nexus for a while and it definately works, but I think it's much more effective

    for women at least in their mid twenties. But one must use it with caution because I think I've used too much at

    times. One time I put quite a lot on and went to the CD store... the girl working there had a twisted look on the

    face when I came to ask her a question. If you put so much on that you get a headache, you're using too much. I

    generally use two light sprays (one to each side of my neck) and then smear some on my arms as well.

    I know the

    stuff works because I was in a check out line when the cashier's eyes just lit up when she handed me my change.

    She looked very stoic and bored at first. I've also been in situations where I was sitting down and talking to

    women where I've seen a reaction in the eyes. Last week I was in the post office asking a female postal employee

    how the new stamp machine works. After she finished explaining it to me, she giggled a little and put her hand on my

    arm for no apparent reason. Just today as a matter of fact, an older women (50ish not very attractive) struck up a

    conversation with me out of the clear blue sky in the parking lot, I had a hard time getting her to shut up and she

    shook my hand.

    When I got a reaction from the female postal worker, I sprayed one strong dose under my left

    arm pit and one spray to the chest.

    One of the interesting things about Nexus is that the smell fades quickly

    but you'll still continue to see the effects.

  4. #4
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    What was your first few

    experiences with mones ? Did you have to apply numerous tiems before you saw results or did you see results upon

    first try ?

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    My first experience with

    pheromones was actually a few years ago with Realm Deoderant. The first time I used it, I saw immediate results but

    I overused it and it began to really stink after a while.

    When I used Nexus for the first time I knew that I was

    going to be around women and saw immediate results as well.

  6. #6
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    Have you tried SOE

    unscented ? .... Where is the best place to test mones at to get a good idea if they are working?

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Yes, I tried SOE but at the time

    I wasn't around women. I noticed that a lot of men wanted to chat with me. Also, I felt more chatty and friendly

    at the time. I'm generally a nice and approachable looking guy so I like to use products with some none in them.

    Especially because I've been told that I'm like a pushover and not assertive enough.

    Mones can be tested

    anywhere, that's why I use them everyday. You never know when you're going to be in close contact with women

    (i.e. grocery stores, museums, the library, bookstores, coffee and bagel shops, resturants, video stores etc.). At

    work is an excellent place to try mones out but use caution because you may cause embarrassing and disruptive

    behavior. If women come on to you too strongly, just lower to dose some.

    I don't think bars and parties are

    good places to really test them because many women may be there for sexual contacts in the first place.

  8. #8
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    Today I put on 2 sprays of

    Nexus none on each side of me neck and one spray of the same on my left wrist and rubbed it on the other wrist and

    forearms. I then went for a quick 2 hour test at the local mall. I looked for reactions while passing close by and

    while on line at a couple of stores. No changes from the norm yet. Tomorrow I'ma try a whole Gel pack of SOE

    unscented with Curve as the coverscent at the office.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Be careful with that stuff

    ! Three sprays of Nexus sounds like an OD. I've never used more than two big sprays. Even so, two big

    sprays seemed like an OD because it gave me a headache.

    Two light-moderate sprays or one big spray has produced

    good results for me. One time I sprayed once under my arm pit and got results.

    You can't test pheromones by

    just going to the mall and walking around. You must strike up conversations with women. It you really want to test

    its effectiveness, spray yourself and then go to the mall and strike up face to face conversations. When you go to

    the mall, make it a point to talk to at least five different women. If you do that I guarrantee results. Another

    thing... try to forget that you are wearing pheromones and don't try to give the girls a Beavis and Butthead line.

    Be real and maybe ask them to help you out with something in the store. Women are very good at seeing past all the

    bull crap.

  10. #10
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    Thanks for the advise T4

    ... that's a good idea jus gotta get my confidence up.

    Today I tried a whole Gel pack of SOE unscented all

    over my neck wrist and forearms with a lil' Curve crush as the cover. At work I didn't notice any changes blatant

    or subtle. But at work it's hard to tell because we all sit in front of our computers and don't really move

    around. But at lunch and the conversations I started or the elevator and walking by I didn't notice anything extra

    out of ordinary that I could point too.

    Well I recieved the Edge sample gel pack. Any recommandations on how

    much I should use and what's a really good way to test it and what you guys usually look for that indicate that

    it's working?

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmellsLikeSex
    Well I

    recieved the Edge sample gel pack. Any recommandations on how much I should use and what's a really good way to

    test it and what you guys usually look for that indicate that it's working?
    Women who already know you,

    and who have already classified you in their minds, need a little extra loosening up. Your results will probably be

    mixed at best, but if you use near-OD applications, you may start to see the results you are looking for at work.

    Pheromones work best when you are meeting people for the first time. They help to make and then reinforce that

    great first impression. With a crowd that already knows you, you have to give them time to sort of redefine you.

    It's hard to explain. I noticed significant changes in co-workers' attitudes only a few months after I started

    wearing pheromones, and then only by comparison with how they had behaved prior to my use of pheromones. The

    changes were gradual, not immediate.

    The only immediate reaction I recall came on the first day I tried

    pheromones at work. I walked into the building and ran into a woman from another department. She was in her 40s.

    She took one look at me and cried out, "Whoa!" She stood back and leaned against the wall in the hallway with a

    tremendously shocked look on her face. I said, "What's wrong?" She didn't reply. So, I just walked on.


    it was a very reassuring hit. I was convinced the pheromones were doing SOMETHING.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I've had an asian girl in a

    grocery store yell "whoa!" as she passed me. What made this experience funny was the fact that she was with her

    boyfriend.Another blatant experience I had was in an elevator. There were just two women in the elevator and me. I

    spoke to the woman nearest to me. She responed back but looked kind of dazed as she opened her mouth and stuck her

    tongue out of her mouth a bit. Then it looked like she went kind of limp and leaned against the elevator wall. Her

    expression was that of a woman possessed as if she where holding back something.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    What's near overdose for

    SOE unscented or Edge?

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