>Good testing; nice thread too. I would just keep up what you are doing already. Sounds like you are getting there. I don\'t
>think it is a black or white issue (works or doesn\'t work). I think it is a matter of percentages; just increases your odds.
>Some other points I have noticed:

It is a black/white issue in that a reaction is very much dependent on whether a target is extroverted or introverted,
but more importantly, whether they are responsive at all to a \'primal male signature\'. The more I go out wearing this
stuff, the more convinced I become what signal it actually is sending. And that signal is not jiving with me. Picture a
male, heady, masculine, hair on arms and chest, tall, 30 to 40 years of age. He\'s the knight, the construction
worker, the fireman, the Marine drill sergent - he doesn\'t have a femine air, and likes it that way.

I suppose thousands of years ago, a big, burly, angry cave-man was viewed as the pinnacle of sexiness, but
today, the opposite is true. Instead of the 350lb mongoloid with the longest beard with the most saber-tooth skins,
women today want friendly, funny, feminine men (read: sensitive) with a little masculinity thrown in for good measure,
and preferably a lot of money. An older male doesn\'t have an androstenone deficit - the signature none gives off is
just more appropriate for what he probably looks like.

Pick up an issue of Teen People and you\'ll see exactly what I\'m talking about.

Imagine a female who finds someone like Enrique Iglesias or Ricky Martin the sexiest thing on earth encountering
Stone Cold Steve Austin. The former two are good personifications of the SOE/NPA combination/ratio, don\'t you
think? think fewer than 10% of the women you encounter in public will be likely to react \'magnetically\' to pure none
alone. A funny cooincidence however, is Asian women (many who prefer \"men with hairy chests\") reportedly and
women 30+ respond to none very positively.

>- Some guys are already gifted in the phero department and would be better off looking for answers in other areas, eg:
>social skills. The susceptibility of women to pheros is determined by a lot of factors eg: time of the month, marital status,
>age, health, religion, culture, social climate, time of day, setting, mental state, etc etc.

I took that into consideration, and avoided couples. In my case, I look too much like an Alpha male and have a hard time
at any dosage with Primal. At even 2 drops, I notice a repelling effect. None definitely needs a predominating nol additive.
The women I\'m trying to hook up with aren\'t of the Chyna and Grace Jones persuasion.

>- PI/m contains only androsteNONE, which though effective for many is heavy on the alpha or \"scary\" image. You really
>have to make the extra effort to look friendly or at least benign if you want to convert the pheros to hits.

The general atmosphere plays an important part, as well as appearence and atttude, but scent signal (\'smell\') is still
predominantly powerful. From personal experience, a woman wearing a cologne or smelling a certain way I\'m instantly
attracted to, regardless of her appearence. Smells are very powerful attractants, and pheremones are a step ahead.

>- As Jose touched on, you may be overdoing the looking around to see whether you are getting hits or not. What you
>do while cruising around can be crucial. I would try it again at the mall and concentrate on shopping; keeping watch only
>out of the corner of your eye to see what is going on in the hit department.

That is one place I haven\'t tried yet. The mall near me is two miles long and is a huge tourist nexus:

>Try sending out the vibes that you have some time to kill and are casually browsing around. Then if you
>happen to make eye contact with a woman you cross paths with be sure to smile and say \"hi\", and if you get a
>chance to be helpful (hold a door open, pick up a dropped item etc) go for that too.

I know exactly what you mean. I thought it was a fluke, or maybe my imagination, but whenever I did speak, people
immediately started looking at me.

- Louis