Hey All,
In reading the forum these past few weeks I have noticed a bunch of posts as well as replies that doubt the effectiveness of pheros in general. So here for your pleasure and for the pleasure of your friends is a little fun thing to do. This experiment works well in a dance club setting but could be accomplished in any crowded pub, club area of social gathering you can find. It is what my wingman and myself call \"the Good Ole Advertising Thing\"...lol
Okay this is what you do. Go to your club, hangout or whatever it is that you like to go to. We use a club (Tarzan\'s nightclub here in Laughlin). We are both usually wearing pheros most typically for me it is a combo of TE and NPA. Mike wears Ando 4.2 and a wee bit of PF. We get at table (this is a must) we sit for a bit and take in the entire goings on. Then we mingle one at a time toward the dance floor and walking by ladies slowly and say hi and all those little flirt talk. Then we come back to the table. Then it starts. We have girls walking by the table doing what we call the advertisement thing. They a smile, flip hair, have had them shake there ass\'s in our faces (sometimes this is a good thing and at other times...oh my Gawd where is the fashion police). But this goes on and on and on. When this first happened we were just kinda trippin on it. Then we set out the next night and the same thing happened. So now when we take a rookie under our wings, we do the advertisement thing first. It always works. We have gotten allot of phone numbers on this one. And my buddy Mike gets allot of Strange from this thing alone. And the later in the evening (i.e. drinks and fatigue take over) the hits are quit strong. I have been pulled out of my chair to go dance...and let me tell you ...I DO NOT DANCE...unless I am highly polluted. But it just amazes me every time. So go out there and experiment. But please when you are sitting and watching this 1} Smile 2} Don\'t ignore them 3}Be personable...not just sit there with a stick up your arse or you will get nothing but a few looks here and there.