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  1. #1

    Default Primal Instinct 5X Update

    I\'m definitely thinking of returning PI/M and getting SOE and NPA instead. This
    past week\'s results aren\'t good at all, if not to say nonexistant.

    I dabbed 2 drops of Primal behind my ears and went to Borders again. This time an hour
    after I had applied it. Struck up a conversation with half a dozen people, including men.
    Sat next to people. Stood next to people. All acted as if I wasn\'t wearing anything. Next
    day. This time I intentionally overkill to just get some_kind_of_reaction. I dab 4 drops
    on both arms, two drops behind ears, and 2 drops around my neck, and head for Wal-Mart.
    But I\'m not alone, I drag a guinea pig along: my 14 year old sister.

    To get an idea of the effective range, I walk past her, quickly, slowly, facing, from behind.
    I ask her if she can smell the pheremone under my cologne. Each time she confirmed she
    could. She could almost instantly smell it when I was 10 feet away. At 15 feet, she couldn\'t
    smell it buy she could feel an intensity in her sinuses. I spend 2 hours making touch and goes
    and striking up conversations. Passed by a woman in her late 20\'s at the card area, stood next
    to her, made some small-talk. As if i wasn\'t wearing anything. Passed by a dozen
    others. No looks, no reactions, no sniffing the air. Absolutely zilch.

    After about 2 hours of doing this, fatigue was setting in and I was ready to give up. But I forgot
    God is a comedian, so he endeavoured to remind me again. Just when I\'m about to give up, this
    girl who looked like a portrait of a stereotypical cheerleader: 5\'9\', long blonde hair, blue eyes,
    slightly tanned, athletic figure, and about 18 years old walks past me, I start to walk with her.
    More than anyone else, she looked like she was almost sensing something, and then she drops
    something right next to me. This final time, I\'m going to try two small drops tomorrow, and
    apply a very light amount of cologne, and see what happens. In any case, I\'ve seen no noticable
    response whatsoever, even when overdosing.

    Still there is very little - if anything - to indicate Primal Instinct is having any kind of effect
    whatsoever on anyone. If anything it does, at any dosage, is make people anti-social. If all the
    reports I\'ve read are any indication, I can understand why PI hits are few and far between. I
    can see how it might have a direct effect on someone maybe in a direct situation, but this is
    no magnet.

    Hopefully, soon, I\'ll understand why NPA/SOE combinations aren\'t...

    - Louis

  2. #2

    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5X Update

    Louis :

    I bought four different products last January , PI was one , and I have seen no results either - from any of them. You might hit on the right one or like me, may strike out with pheros altogether. This isn\'t a complaint , I\'m just stating facts.

    I just don\'t think everyones chemistry lends itself to working with this stuff and it\'s possible you\'re one of them ... or hopefully just haven\'t tried the right one yet. I figured that I had a 50% chance of pheros working for me - not \'guarenteed\' as some of the ads on some products state.

    I never considered returning them and ask for my money back because I believe it\'s a gamble the buyer takes on whether they will work or not. I believe that some of the advertising is what is getting everyones expectations way up along with alot of posts here of what I see as everyday, normal behavior being exaggerated into incredible \'hits\' that make other newbies expect miracles.

    In my opinion , pheros don\'t work for everyone and I think the buyer should accept it.

    That\'s my $.02 ... or $200. ; which is closer to what I\'ve spent on them :&gt

    Good luck,


  3. #3
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5X Update

    I seem to recall one guy using PI for about two months(or more) with no hits, then one day met this girl and they had some wild sex. Later she said that there was something about him and that he smelled good. There are some guys that wear these products the first day and get megahits. For some it just doesn\'t work, maybe because of their body chemistry, either producing too much or too little Pheromones. I do believe like Jim comments of people over exaggerating hits,but it depends on the situation. If a woman is touching my shoulder or arm, paying more attention to me then usual and has a glazed look on her face. I would consider that a hit. Stop looking for reactions and don\'t think about it, your body language was probably screwing up your chances trying to walk past people and making everyone nervous.

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5X Update

    Good testing; nice thread too. I would just keep up what you are doing already. Sounds like you are getting there. I don\'t think it is a black or white issue (works or doesn\'t work). I think it is a matter of percentages; just increases your odds. Some other points I have noticed:
    - Some guys are already gifted in the phero department and would be better off looking for answers in other areas, eg: social skills.
    _ The susceptibility of women to pheros is determined by a lot of factors eg: time of the month, marital status, age, health, religion, culture, social climate, time of day, setting, mental state, etc etc.
    - PI/m contains only androsteNONE, which though effective for many is heavy on the alpha or \"scary\" image. You really have to make the extra effort to look friendly or at least benign if you want to convert the pheros to hits.
    - As Jose touched on, you may be overdoing the looking around to see whether you are getting hits or not. What you do while cruising around can be crucial. I would try it again at the mall and concentrate on shopping; keeping watch only out of the corner of your eye to see what is going on in the hit department. Try sending out the vibes that you have some time to kill and are casually browsing around. Then if you happen to make eye contact with a woman you cross paths with be sure to smile and say \"hi\", and if you get a chance to be helpful (hold a door open, pick up a dropped item etc) go for that too.
    Good Luck,

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5X Update

    Similarly, I have had little to no success with PI/m. I went through a bottle in about 3 months and don\'t think I registered a hit with it once. I was also using APC at the time, and registering much stronger hits with APC than PI. But that\'s just me, I\'m a big dude, 6\'5\" 270, so too much -none is probably a very bad thing.

    On the positive side, I continue to get tons of hits with Edge, Rogue Male, SOE, SPMO Musk Oil.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5X Update

    >Good testing; nice thread too. I would just keep up what you are doing already. Sounds like you are getting there. I don\'t
    >think it is a black or white issue (works or doesn\'t work). I think it is a matter of percentages; just increases your odds.
    >Some other points I have noticed:

    It is a black/white issue in that a reaction is very much dependent on whether a target is extroverted or introverted,
    but more importantly, whether they are responsive at all to a \'primal male signature\'. The more I go out wearing this
    stuff, the more convinced I become what signal it actually is sending. And that signal is not jiving with me. Picture a
    male, heady, masculine, hair on arms and chest, tall, 30 to 40 years of age. He\'s the knight, the construction
    worker, the fireman, the Marine drill sergent - he doesn\'t have a femine air, and likes it that way.

    I suppose thousands of years ago, a big, burly, angry cave-man was viewed as the pinnacle of sexiness, but
    today, the opposite is true. Instead of the 350lb mongoloid with the longest beard with the most saber-tooth skins,
    women today want friendly, funny, feminine men (read: sensitive) with a little masculinity thrown in for good measure,
    and preferably a lot of money. An older male doesn\'t have an androstenone deficit - the signature none gives off is
    just more appropriate for what he probably looks like.

    Pick up an issue of Teen People and you\'ll see exactly what I\'m talking about.

    Imagine a female who finds someone like Enrique Iglesias or Ricky Martin the sexiest thing on earth encountering
    Stone Cold Steve Austin. The former two are good personifications of the SOE/NPA combination/ratio, don\'t you
    think? think fewer than 10% of the women you encounter in public will be likely to react \'magnetically\' to pure none
    alone. A funny cooincidence however, is Asian women (many who prefer \"men with hairy chests\") reportedly and
    women 30+ respond to none very positively.

    >- Some guys are already gifted in the phero department and would be better off looking for answers in other areas, eg:
    >social skills. The susceptibility of women to pheros is determined by a lot of factors eg: time of the month, marital status,
    >age, health, religion, culture, social climate, time of day, setting, mental state, etc etc.

    I took that into consideration, and avoided couples. In my case, I look too much like an Alpha male and have a hard time
    at any dosage with Primal. At even 2 drops, I notice a repelling effect. None definitely needs a predominating nol additive.
    The women I\'m trying to hook up with aren\'t of the Chyna and Grace Jones persuasion.

    >- PI/m contains only androsteNONE, which though effective for many is heavy on the alpha or \"scary\" image. You really
    >have to make the extra effort to look friendly or at least benign if you want to convert the pheros to hits.

    The general atmosphere plays an important part, as well as appearence and atttude, but scent signal (\'smell\') is still
    predominantly powerful. From personal experience, a woman wearing a cologne or smelling a certain way I\'m instantly
    attracted to, regardless of her appearence. Smells are very powerful attractants, and pheremones are a step ahead.

    >- As Jose touched on, you may be overdoing the looking around to see whether you are getting hits or not. What you
    >do while cruising around can be crucial. I would try it again at the mall and concentrate on shopping; keeping watch only
    >out of the corner of your eye to see what is going on in the hit department.

    That is one place I haven\'t tried yet. The mall near me is two miles long and is a huge tourist nexus:

    >Try sending out the vibes that you have some time to kill and are casually browsing around. Then if you
    >happen to make eye contact with a woman you cross paths with be sure to smile and say \"hi\", and if you get a
    >chance to be helpful (hold a door open, pick up a dropped item etc) go for that too.

    I know exactly what you mean. I thought it was a fluke, or maybe my imagination, but whenever I did speak, people
    immediately started looking at me.

    - Louis

  7. #7

    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5X Update

    >Louis :

    >I bought four different products last January , PI was one , and I have seen no results either - from any of them. You
    >might hit on the right one or like me, may strike out with pheros altogether. This isn\'t a complaint , I\'m just stating facts.

    More of an ill-founded assumption rather than a fact based on your experience. What did you do to conclude that?
    Which products? How did you experiment with them? What did you wear? How tall are you? What kind of attitude
    did you have when approaching people?

    >I just don\'t think everyones chemistry lends itself to working with this stuff and it\'s possible you\'re one of them ... or
    >hopefully just haven\'t tried the right one yet. I >figured that I had a 50% chance of pheros working for me - not \'guarenteed\'
    >as some of the ads on some products state.

    That\'s like saying cologne cannot enhance anyone\'s appeal. Cologne can enhance a fat office clerk\'s appeal. If she\'s
    wallowing in self-defeat as an unattractive overweight woman, cologne won\'t do anything for her. If she\'s friendly, up-beat,
    and funny, cologne will just intensify that positive aura. Moreover, If she\'s wearing pheremones, she might become a
    magnet for men.

    Pheremone\'s clearly have an effect on other people, success or failure with them is almost always dependent on
    how you apply that effect with yourself.

    >I never considered returning them and ask for my money back because I believe it\'s a gamble the buyer takes on whether
    >they will work or not. I believe that some of the advertising is what is getting everyones expectations way up along with
    >alot of posts here of what I see as everyday, normal behavior being exaggerated into incredible \'hits\' that make other
    >newbies expect miracles.

    I don\'t understand the logic there. If Primal Instinct isn\'t for me, I\'ll insist on returning it, espcially considering
    it was upwards of $70.

    >In my opinion , pheros don\'t work for everyone and I think the buyer should accept it.

    Neither will the sharpest clothes. You are the delivery system for the pheremones, you have to experiment with it
    and use your head, I think the buyer should accept that.

    - Louis

  8. #8

    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5X Update

    >Similarly, I have had little to no success with PI/m. I went through a bottle in about 3 months and don\'t think
    >I registered a hit with it once. I was also using APC at the time, and registering much stronger hits with APC
    >than PI. But that\'s just me, I\'m a big dude, 6\'5\" 270, so too much -none is probably a very bad thing.

    Mein gott! A 6\'5 270lb male walking into a cafe wearing PI/M must be like Thor walking into a bath house.
    I\'m built like a fireplug, that alone has made Primal Instinct hard to work with around people. I\'ve started to
    call it: PU/M.

    >On the positive side, I continue to get tons of hits with Edge, Rogue Male, SOE, SPMO Musk Oil.

    And yet again, formulations of APC, NPA, and SOE seem to get positive results...

    Can you elaborate more on your experiences the SOE? It would be interesting to hear how that would
    work out with someone who is 6\'5 and 270 lbs.

    - Louis

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5X Update

    SOE gets me continual \"chatty\" hits. I\'ve gone through about 3 bottles of it since it was released. I live above a coffee shop and usually spend a couple hours a day in there just drinking tea or reading. I have had numerous women (generally older women, in their 30s) come up to me and start up long conversations. I\'ve also had a handful of \"hits\" from younger women. One of the girls who works in the shop is very shy and quiet, never talks to anyone outside of taking their order. I put on some SOE and the other night she sat there chatting me up for an hour and a half. I think SOE opens a lot of doors, maybe the addition of a -none product can help seal the deal. I just found a bottle of SOE that I lost a couple weeks back, so I will be wearing it more regularly now. For a while I was mixing 33% SOE/33% Edge/33% SPMO Musk Oil and I was getting a lot of sexual hits and some very good DIHL looks. I may go back to that in the near future.

    I haven\'t noticed a big effect of SOE on me, although others seem to feel its effects on themselves. I tend to be fairly shy until I get to know people. SOE is an excellent icebreaker, I will be purchasing the SOE/RM package deal in the next couple of days.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Primal Instinct 5X Update

    >SOE gets me continual \"chatty\" hits. I\'ve gone through about 3 bottles of it since it was released. I live
    >above a coffee shop and usually spend a couple hours a day in there just drinking tea or reading. I have
    >had numerous women (generally older women, in their 30s) come up to me and start up long conversations.

    >I\'ve also had a handful of \"hits\" from younger women. One of the girls who works in the shop is very shy and
    >quiet, never talks to anyone outside of taking their order. I put on some SOE and the other night she sat there
    >chatting me up for an hour and a half. I think SOE opens a lot of doors, maybe the addition of a -none product
    >can help seal the deal. I just found a bottle of SOE that I lost a couple weeks back, so I will be wearing it more
    >regularly now. For a while I was mixing 33% SOE/33% Edge/33% SPMO Musk Oil and I was getting a lot of
    >sexual hits and some very good DIHL looks. I may go back to that in the near future.

    Before, I was thinking about using the Primal just as a none additive, but the smell is so off-putting and the
    concentration so high that I don\'t think it would be nearly as efficient as NPA or APC in achieving a balance
    with other formulations.

    Another downside with the high none concentration is it dissipates much faster, especially if you sweat.

    >I haven\'t noticed a big effect of SOE on me, although others seem to feel its effects on themselves. I tend to
    >be fairly shy until I get to know people. SOE is an excellent icebreaker, I will be purchasing the SOE/RM
    >package deal in the next couple of days.

    If it draws people in just to chat just a little, that\'s useful enough for me!

    Anyway, thanks for the info. Very interesting.

    - Louis

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