Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
Once the SOE rollerball has been freed up then a

5" straight roll will give you one drop of


Using just over 6 drops or 31" from

the roller will provide an amount of pheromone to equal one SOE gel/pkt.

The reccomended use of a SOE gel/pck is use a full pkt or get 1 and 1/4

uses per pck.

One drop SOE from the bottle

producr will supply around 10.38 mcg of Androstenol and 2.59 mcg of Androsterone for a total of nearly 13 mcg

pheromones per drop.

Between 8" and 15" is

what i call an average small workable application.

If would be using 1 or 2 drops of concentrated Androstenone out and about

on the prowl or clubbing then i certainly would be applying no less than a good 32" SOE rollon, Or one full SOE

So, 1 would drop 5 linear inches? Approximately 5 drops were

about 25 applications of an inch?

If so indÃquemelo because they are not much English and I do not understand


Thank you