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  1. #1
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    Default Female Orgasm Releases Mones?


    noticed something very very strange lately. Every time i have sex with a girl and give her multiple orgasms, then I

    don't shower and go straight to work, every single woman at my workplace treats me like I'm Brad Pitt. This

    phenomenon has occurred with me not using any pheromone products at all. Basically I make her cum and I get her

    sweat on my skin which I don't wash off and this seems to act like the world's greatest pheromone product I've

    ever seen, even better than NPA or SoE or any combo.

  2. #2
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    I think the pheromones are

    already there, it dont matter whether she's orgasming or not.

    And what sweat are you talking about ? The sweat

    on her pussy ? Juices that come from her pussy only after she orgasms ?

  3. #3
    Journeyman Goldcoastq's Avatar
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    I agree, EOW au Naturel.

    Also maybe the vibe you give off afterwards.

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Probably some of both; the physical

    mones and the vibe.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick666 View Post
    I think

    the pheromones are already there, it dont matter whether she's orgasming or not.

    And what sweat are you

    talking about ? The sweat on her pussy ? Juices that come from her pussy only after she orgasms ?

    guess from her pubic regions the scent rubs off all over me and then I rush to work without having a shower. Then

    when I'm at work basically every woman I come in contact with gives me overt sexual signals.

  6. #6
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    The same has happened to me. I

    would work out of town for a couple of months-remote locations no women back then, come into town and couldn't get

    laid with a stack of bills in my hand. Then an old gf would arrive and take me off for a quicky, 9 times out of 10 I

    could return to the same damn bar and pick-up another girl for the night, sometimes another quicky and another for

    all night. The only mones there was back then was the back of the magazine type stuff. I have noticed the effect

    many times since,especially if we have sex and then go out later.

  7. #7
    Phero Guru
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    Default D3....,

    Heavy sex creates the

    best pheromones of all. I was in a hotel near NYC and just had about 12 hours of sex with my girlfriend (5PM till

    about 5AM). In the morning I walked down the hall wearing only a t-shirt, some shorts and barefoot, totally

    hung-over, and smelling like I just left a bordello, to the free crap breakfast room. A woman, late 30s, with her

    husband and 2 children sitting nearby, poured my coffee for me and made up a breakfast for me. She was "dedicated"

    to me. It was surreal.

    I suppose you could recreate that situation without all the effort involved by

    using both female and male pheromones.
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  8. #8
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    Yes that's what I've been

    thinking about. Wearing both male and female mones. The only problem is which female mones will simulate the effect

    of post coital glow? Androstenone for women and copulins come to mind.

  9. #9
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    Is it disgusting? I guess it always take a shower after you have sex in order to look and smell fresh right.

  10. #10
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    Same thing happens to me.

    By the way, I just received my EOW today. But I'm scared to apply it, the funk is just too much for me. Can someone assure me the funk will be hidden (1 drop of EOW) if I apply my Nautica Voyage perfume over it?

  11. #11
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomaslavoie View Post
    Same thing happens to me. By the way, I just received my EOW today. But I'm scared to apply it, the funk is just too much for me. Can someone assure me the funk will be hidden (1 drop of EOW) if I apply my Nautica Voyage perfume over it?
    EW is nasty straight in high concentration, and no getting around it. I will say it mellows on the skin with time quite nicely, as most basenotes do. Here's what I learned from a great perfumer: Never judge any pure base note on the immediate smell, because by far most of them smell bad in the top note. The only way to get a sensible opinion on any base note is after a while on your skin, after the initial notes burn off.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 08-04-2012 at 05:20 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post
    EW is nasty straight in high concentration, and no getting around it.
    Interesting. What would you consider a "high concentration" when talking about Essence of Women? 1 drop? 2 drops? I'm referring to drops from the dropper that comes with the bottle. I find that 1 drop is nasty when freshly applied.

    I've also noticed a really strong chemical scent that smells like the chloroform we used to use in biology class to kill insects before putting them in collections. It also smells like nail polish remover and perhaps 1 other really strong chemical.

  13. #13
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I don't know in your case, because the only EW I've used was the original lab version, which is maybe 100 times stronger than what you have. I never dab it on, but use it in perfume. Had to double and triple encase it. The best thing is to dilute it in strong vodka or another dilutent, say to 1/10 strength by weight (requiring a gram scale, ideally, to have some reliability and accuracy), and try it that way. Ventilation is an issue, of course. If it's still overwhelming you can dilute it a little more. Keep records of how much you dilute it, so that if you buy more you know how to make it usable to your taste. It does contain strong chemicals, although they are identical to ones found on or in humans. So those chemicals can be made friendly if you know what you are doing. But that's why the product is not recommended for beginners or anyone who's not prepared to deal with it. I think a woman can get away with wearing more than a man. In perfuming, it would be considered a fixative, something you don't want to smell consciously, but that is still there. I will give you a hint, though. Mixing it with a flower essence tends to neutralize the smell. Certain essential oils will neutralize the smell. Does any of this take a little knowledge? Sure. That's why it's best for someone who already has a little experience experimenting with scents and pheromones. Its greatest use would be by a professional perfumer. I personally love the stuff, but that doesn't mean it's not nasty in raw form. You could release an angry, feral skunk in your bedroom and it would be no worse than spilling a bottle of that.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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