
5 drps NPA/5 drps

SOE (gp)/5 drps A1/5 drps LT/20 drps PHEROS/60 drps "Old Spice Cologne"/Atomizer + 3 drps W.A.G.G.

1 x 2 spray

application of my standard mix plus 3 drops of W.A.G.G.

Went to a coffee shop and approached a male who I know is

usually is surly, defensive, rude, hostile and most unfriendly.... and he was smiling and polite and cordial....


Went to an environment where there were many crazy, rude, agressive, hostile, defensive, border-line

psychotic males, who previously were personally very jealous, envious, hostile, threatening, intimidating, rude and

"unfriendly"... towards me put it mildly...

I definitely noticed a totally different rapport and

sold 5 tickets to a New Years Eve dance....

The stuff actually works!

I'm more impressed by this

demonstration of phero-technology than the stuff with women because I have my "natural" pua dating skills to fall

back on wtih women....and have usually been fairly successful with women without any "help" beyond my own dating

skillset.... but I have ALWAYS had a problem with jealous, envious, (because of my success with women???) angry,

bullying, intimidating, defensive, hostile, rude, crazy, f$cked up men!!!
Go figure...

All the best,