The marvelous thing about

science is that you find the answer to one question, but it raises many others as you have demonstrated. As to

whether it will definitively (mess) with pheromone's ability to attract? That I can not say for certain without

experimentation~ Any volunteers?

Prolactin is associated with the repression of dopamine, which as you know is

the chemical/neurotransmitter responsible for sexual pleasure among other things. Males with high amounts

(Hyperprolactinemia Symptoms) experience a

lost of libido and every man's dread... impotence. As to the effect on females... I do believe a side affect of the

pills is that they will be harder arouse, therefore you may conclude that it will hinder the ability of pheromones

to work, if my deduction is correct.

Of course who knows pheromones may stimulate some sort of pathway that we

haven't discovered or perhaps interact with current pathways different... (rambling). I'll still with my previous
