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  1. #1
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    Smile TG Field Report.

    Hi guys:
    my name

    is TG and I'm a 57 year old white male. I have some reasonable dating skills, but I was interested in exploring

    pheromone technology and evaluating what it could do for my "game".

    I just thought I'd post my first field

    report re: using mones, nones, rones, & nols...

    After reading the forum from one end to the other I decided to

    first order the 2 Super Combos... and a whole schmeer of other different LS Pheromone products for me to test out

    and evaluate....

    Some of the stuff arrived on the 11/25. Great service LS! and I proceeded to learn my

    first lesson with this stuff which is ...."LESS IS MORE"!!!

    I managed to totally OD on the rones and nols and

    gave myself a splitting headache...I put on way to much of everything. TE & AE & C7 & SOE Gelpacks & Old Spice

    Cologne.... I guess I'm one of the 25% that can't smell the stuff when it's on me so going by smell is NOT

    the way to go for me....I probably also OD'd with nones & rones as well.

    Nevertheless, I still got 3 seriously

    good hits at a local supermarket... Later on that day when my headache wore off, I got a really good "I really like

    your perfume are you using Nag Champa or Patchouli?" hit from a married HB, and I convo'd 5 minutes with her about

    meditation and incesnse. While I was convoing with this woman a Latina HB jumped in & shamelessly hit on me in front

    of her BF and gave me her cell phone number.

    TE & AE Gelpacks with Old Spice Original Cologne. (I

    wanted to try the strongest cheapest Cologne) I went to a coffee shop and got a really good hit from one of the

    coffee shop girls which turned into a sitdown and 10 minute convo and number close. I also got a really good hit

    from a really cute HB9 which turned into a 10 minute convo and a date close and the HB said "I'm gonna break up

    with my boyfriend so we can date!". Later on that day a really cute young Blonde HB9 in another coffee shop first

    sat down 3 tables away, then moved to the table right next to me and we convo'd for a few minutes... A couple of

    other HBs also "hit" me with looks, smiles, hair flips, boob shots, and general IOI from across the


    Using TE and AE gelpacks and Old Spice for a cover.
    Went to a Thanksgiving party and got hits

    and opened set after set. Opened one older HB8 and I slapped her ass & she loved it... Opened a mixed set of guys

    and gals flirted with one babe and date closed her for Saturday. Negged and flirted with the HB9 "hottie" of the

    set... five minutes later when I was with another set & she came over to join in and convo with me...I noticed that

    the pheromones seemed to work better as I started to sweat a little....

    NPA, AE gp, and Pheros got more

    general hits during the day in the evening a young blond HB9 gave me IOI hairflips and DIHL...

    NPA, C7

    gp and Old Spice Cologne. I went to a party and got hits from some older babes, as well as a lesbian chick who kept

    wanting to kiss me! Got some great hits from two young HBs lots of IOI hairflips, touching, and then I started butt

    slapping the prettiest and she butt-slapped me!!! She kept hitting on and opening me and coming back.

    Later on that night I went to a dance. I opened a mixed set 3 HBs and 2 guys & started dancing with the HB9 and

    then started "KINOing" her with "massage" "accupressure", and then started making out with her...

    While we were

    making out massaging I turned around and realized that there were now 4 more women sitting at the table than before

    all chatting away and the guys had melted away.

    Note: we both really hot an sweaty from the dancing massaging

    and making out so I figure that must created a massive steamy cloud of Pheromones that attracted the other


    I confess that my game was off because my car was a mess my apt. was a mess, I didn't really have a plan

    for a venue change so I let the opportunity to fclose her slip through my fingers and she left with her set... live

    and learn...I coulda shoulda woulda... note I definitely agree that "sweating" and heat helps to enhance and

    disperse "attraction" factor of the Pheromones. The Pheromones don't seem to work as well when they are "fresh" and

    "new" and need to "sweat in" a bit before they really do their work.

    NPA\AE gp\Pheros
    Sunday I was

    quietly hanging out with some friends and vaguely noticed that a really young hottie HB brunnette came in and sat

    accross the room from me 10-15 feet away from me... for the first 5-10 minutes she really didn't even look at me

    once, I wasn't really paying that much attention to her at first either because I was talking with my other friends

    in the room...then 15/20 minutes later I looked up and noticed she had undone her shirt to show her neck and chest,

    let her hair down and was lying curled up on the sofa staring at me giving me a direct full body/boob shot playing

    with & twirling her hair etc...

    today I tried Nematode's Pheros mix using NPA/SOE gp and Pheros. I

    must have mixed up the formula incorrectly cause I really OD'd and had a terrible headache. I went and took a

    shower and tried to wash off as much of the mones and took a shitload of ibuoprophen to help kill the headache.

    Question: Can anyone suggest a "cure" or "detox procedure" for Pheromone OD & Headaches?

    I thinned out the mix

    with some Old Spice cologne and re-applied it. Went to a coffee shop and opened and convoed for 5 minutes with

    gorgeous African American HB who had a really nice labrador retreiver, and we talked doggy talk...Also later on

    today and got really good hit hits from a couple of blonde HBs that I approached.... I still had the rone OD

    headache so my game was totally off... I made a tentative date to hook up with the two babes Friday...


    mixing up the correct proportions and acurate measurments is totally critical. ODing is no fun... I'll need to

    focus and figure out my "sweet spot" with each mone, none, rone, and nol.... I've noticed that I have a real

    sensitivity to rones and nols...and I can't smell to I really need to improve my mixing, measuring, and

    dispensing skill. Slapping the stuff on willy-nilly like after-shave isn't going to work for me...

    Question: is

    the slightly metalic aftertaste a sign that I've OD'd? Or is that a normal sympton on pheromone usage

    Note: I

    have a fairly good "game" skillset to begin with and I already see how this can help me get past many HBs "bitch

    shields", "slut factor defences", and other obstacles and sticking points, however I still need to have "good game"

    in play, have a definite "plan of action" for the HB, and be in a good "state" and have good "Inner Game".


    still have to "approach" and "open" 99 percent of the babes to get any real action. Even if they're dripping wet

    turned on by both yourself and your pheromones, most women will not approach you due to their social conditioning

    (ie. "slut factor"), and worrying what the other chicks will say about them.

    You still need to get close and say

    close to the babe in order to "dose" her with your pheromone "package".

    If you approach and open an HB with even

    the lamest opener, she's still going to get a good "dose" of the pheromones and by then it won't matter how lame

    you are, so long as you just keep giving her reasons to keep talking to you and stay close enough to you to keep her

    getting "dosed" by your Pheromones...

    This is a really new Interesting concept ..... re approaching and opening

    strategy.... here's a question for you Phero-Gurus out there...

    How long does an "opener" have to be time wise

    to give your target a good intial "dose" of your Pheromone "package"? Are we talking seconds or


    Nevertheless, you're still going to need a "Plan of Action" in mind in order to to KINO her, nclose

    her, kiss-close her, make-out close her, venu change her, isolate her from her friends, build trust, rapport, and

    then dclose her and fclose if possible...

    Pheromones will help to keep her "attracted" to you and in a sexually

    charged state, but you still going to have to "BE A MAN"!!!!

    I already see how Pheromones can help my "game" in


    Nevertheless, if you don't have your PUA skillset in place, no amount of Pheros will get you


    I'd really like to link up with some of the more experienced Phero-Gurus and discuss aspects of how they

    integrate Pheromones into their overall "Game", and what kinds of approaches, openers, and strategies they


    All the best,

    Last edited by tgparker; 12-02-2008 at 12:45 AM. Reason: grammar and spelling

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Hmmm, interesting post.

  3. #3
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I wouldn't get too caught up in any

    sort of "plan."

    I don't recall who said it, but a well known quote around military types is "no battle plan

    survives first contact with the enemy." Best thing to aim for is to just let things flow. If it's going well, no

    matter what it is, keep doing it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

    And I have found it seems to take about a

    good 10 minutes for stuff to "work." Now it is said that pheromones themselves have a near immediate effect, but one

    needs to remember that it's going to take a while for the brain to get the message, figure out what that message

    is, what it means, and how to respond to it. Just like anything else it's all those danged middlemen...
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  4. #4
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Nice comprehensive post TG, glad

    you made it to the forum.

    You're right, dosing is critical, especially when you start to mix. I take

    sabbaticals regularly and wear nothing for a few days, just to "clear out the chems". As for the PUA game, there

    are a few members here who are into that. I never could get past some of the less tasteful terminology.

    Agree with Rbt on timing. I've had a few fast reactions, but it seems that if you can hang with someone for

    10-15 mins they've gotten a nose full, and enough time to process it.

  5. #5
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    TE gp/AE


    Lunchtime I sat near a table with an HB and got good IOI and some flirty looks from her but she was

    stting right next to her B/F and I wasn't in a good state so I just ignored her, nevertheless I could tell the

    phero-stuff was working on her.

    Later on tonight I went and had a dance lesson. Working up a mild sweat really

    does enhance the performance of the pheromones! Within 5 minutes I was surrounded by EVERY woman in the

    place....They were all standing in a circle around me with DIHL ... it was really funny....

    I had the

    interesting problem that Pheromones will attract ALL the women in your area including the fatties and the ugs...

    After some deft social manipulation, I managed to separate from the ugs and fatties and actually dance with the two

    hotties.... The sweatier I got, the more pheromones were dispersed into my immediate area and the more the babes

    were attracted to me and were really getting into it....

    Pheromones are dynamite in a slightly stuffy contained

    area where it's easy to build up a sweat via some activity like dancing or exercise and the babes get a constant

    concentrated dose of the pheromones..

    "Dancing Class" provides a a "built-in" social pre-text that let's the

    babes lower their social conditioning & "bitch-shields".... Dancing lessons is not like "at a club" or "at a bar",

    or "at a dance" where they're being hit on by 900 drunk guys... "Dancing class" is like "yoga class", or "art

    class", or "poetry class"... there's always a majority of women (hotties, fatties, and and ugs...) and a only a few

    men... many of the men are "gay"... so "dancing class" is definitely a target rich environment....

    I had to

    leave for work but the babes didn't want me to leave and invited me to a dance over the weekend....

    Next time

    I'll nclose & dclose the hotties...

    I'm confident that the the stuff works. so I need to develop

    mixing/measuring/dosing skils and settle on the best "sweet spot" mix for me.

    I'm realizing that "LESS IS MORE"

    as I seem to be very sensitive to the pheromones and seem to OD very easily...

    I'm still getting that "metallic"

    taste in the mouth is that a sign of Phero-OD?...

    Last edited by tgparker; 12-02-2008 at 10:57 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    comprehensive post TG, glad you made it to the forum.

    You're right, dosing is critical, especially when you

    start to mix. I take sabbaticals regularly and wear nothing for a few days, just to "clear out the chems". As for

    the PUA game, there are a few members here who are into that. I never could get past some of the less tasteful


    Agree with Rbt on timing. I've had a few fast reactions, but it seems that if you can hang

    with someone for 10-15 mins they've gotten a nose full, and enough time to process it.
    Thanks for your

    comments, I'd like to talk with you further about proper usage and dosing techniques as that is obviously and issue

    that I need to master.

    The thing that attracted me to the PUA "community" is that they've organized and

    correlated the Dating Skillset and set them down in a logical cohesive way and established a language by which MEN

    can make some sense of their sexuality and gain more control of their love lives.

    I would say that as a man I've

    done better than most, as an unconcious & oblivious "natural", I enjoyed many wonderful joyful, exciting, encounters

    and experiences with many wonderful beautiful women over the years. I have no regrets. I have been married, enjoyed

    many LTRs, One Nighters, Threesomes, 5 minute lays etc.... long, long before anyone ever thought of the term "PickUp


    My difference was that I got "hooked up" with women pretty much "by accident" due to my basic good

    looks, fairly healthy, manly physique, and
    fairly charming, friendly, outgoing, & charismatic personality


    I pretty much thought of the man-woman things as a matter of "luck", and that I was just a guy who was

    "luckier" than most of the other guys. There were also other guys that I knew who were "luckier" than I was as


    The knowledgebase of social and sexual skils and understandings that have been developed over the last

    10 years by the PUA community pretty much frees a man from the business of "luck" when it comes to women.


    the PUA skillset, I can approach, open, date & mate the woman I want, when I want, anywhere, anytime "on purpose" &

    not "by accident" and the outcome is pretty much determined by my skillset and not by "luck" or "fate"...


    moral aspect of whether or not I chose to date & mate the one fantastic woman of my dreams or keep a harem of many

    beautiful women, is one of personal choice, but the fact still remains I need the same skillset to bed either one

    woman or 20.....

    All the best,


  7. #7
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    When you think about it, dosing

    is everything once you figure out which pheromone does what. That's why most of us stress -use products

    individually and learn their properties before mixing-

    Once you have that knowledge, you'll know

    something about your body chemistry (I can bathe in -None, or not), and you'll know how the "big three" work for

    you in individual situations. You'll also know which -Mones cause what reactions from others, on their


    Knowing all that, you can work out a plan like: ok, SoE gets me great friendly hits with 12-15", and I ODed

    easily on NPA, so, knowing from what I read that they're complimentary, why don't I try 1 drop NPA, spread around,

    with 15" of SoE spread on the same places. If you get an OD, you'll know that you should perhaps try the weaker TE

    instead of NPA.

    Getting decent reactions from that mix? Experiment with A7 with the same SoE application and

    see how that happens. A7's added -Rone will shift your signature, observe the difference.

    I also think dosing

    changes should be done in very small increments, esp -None, and esp esp NPA. Nol products like SoE are pretty much


    Standalones like AE and C7 are just a matter for experimentation, and should be approached

    differently. Start with, say, C7 as a base, then "tweak" it in the direction you'd like it to go. None for more

    sexual, A314 for more authority, SoE for more friendly. You get the idea.

    Of course these are my own opinions.

    Reserve the right to be, well, you know, like, totally wrong.
    Last edited by idesign; 12-03-2008 at 08:19 PM. Reason: grammar!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    I wouldn't

    get too caught up in any sort of "plan."

    I don't recall who said it, but a well known quote around military

    types is "no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy." Best thing to aim for is to just let things flow.

    If it's going well, no matter what it is, keep doing it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

    And I have found it

    seems to take about a good 10 minutes for stuff to "work." Now it is said that pheromones themselves have a near

    immediate effect, but one needs to remember that it's going to take a while for the brain to get the message,

    figure out what that message is, what it means, and how to respond to it. Just like anything else it's all those

    danged middlemen...
    My problem for not having an "action plan" in hand is that I lose the initiative and

    "control" of the situation falls back into the HBs hands, and then it becomes a crap shoot. Sometimes I get "lucky"

    'cause the HB wants sex with me anyway... and sometimes I got "unlucky" 'cause of "slut factor", social

    conditioning, lack of trust, rapport, etc....

    Reverting back to Saturday, 20/20 hindsight, if my car & place was

    clean and babe ready/friendly, and I had scoped out either a diner, club, desert place for a "late night snack",

    near my house, I could have suggested a "venue change" after the dance and could have moved further along with the

    babe, and then brought her back to my place afterwards... In most babes' minds, each venue change counts as a

    separate date. 2 venue changes and it's like 2 dates in the chicks mind even if the venue changes are taking place

    in the same night. @ 2 dates most chicks will fclose you. Especially if they've been supercharged on pheromones all


    Women WANT men to make the decisions and want men to take the responsibility for sex.

    If woman has to

    THINK about making a decision about having first-time sex with a relative stranger (1, 2,3, or more dates you're

    STILL a stranger...even AFTER sex), she'll usually default to "NO" 'cause it's the safest decision....
    Last edited by tgparker; 12-02-2008 at 10:55 PM.

  9. #9
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    5 drps NPA/5 drps

    SOE (gp)/5 drps A1/5 drps LT/20 drps PHEROS/60 drps "Old Spice Cologne"/Atomizer + 3 drps W.A.G.G.

    1 x 2 spray

    application of my standard mix plus 3 drops of W.A.G.G.

    Went to a coffee shop and approached a male who I know is

    usually is surly, defensive, rude, hostile and most unfriendly.... and he was smiling and polite and cordial....


    Went to an environment where there were many crazy, rude, agressive, hostile, defensive, border-line

    psychotic males, who previously were personally very jealous, envious, hostile, threatening, intimidating, rude and

    "unfriendly"... towards me put it mildly...

    I definitely noticed a totally different rapport and

    sold 5 tickets to a New Years Eve dance....

    The stuff actually works!

    I'm more impressed by this

    demonstration of phero-technology than the stuff with women because I have my "natural" pua dating skills to fall

    back on wtih women....and have usually been fairly successful with women without any "help" beyond my own dating

    skillset.... but I have ALWAYS had a problem with jealous, envious, (because of my success with women???) angry,

    bullying, intimidating, defensive, hostile, rude, crazy, f$cked up men!!!
    Go figure...

    All the best,


  10. #10
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    Default none

    "Went to an environment

    where there were many crazy, rude, agressive, hostile, defensive, border-line psychotic males, who previously were

    personally very jealous, envious, hostile, threatening, intimidating, rude and "unfriendly"... towards me put it

    mildly... "

    Was that the White House or the Congress?
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1 View Post

    Was that the White House or the Congress?
    Funny Guy!!

  12. #12
    Full Member Pendragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tgparker View Post

    5 drps NPA/5 drps SOE (gp)/5 drps A1/5 drps LT/20 drps PHEROS/60 drps "Old Spice

    Cologne"/Atomizer + 3 drps W.A.G.G.
    By "(gp)" do you mean gel pack? As in 5 drops from a SOE gel pack?

    I wouldn't think that would mix well or work good in an atomizer.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post

    "(gp)" do you mean gel pack? As in 5 drops from a SOE gel pack? I wouldn't think that would mix well or work good

    in an atomizer.
    20 drops of Pheros and 60 Drops of "Old Spice" thins things out just fine. I was using

    whatever came in the super combo packs that I first ordered from L/S.


  14. #14
    Full Member Pendragon's Avatar
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    brain fart question.. Which

    is A1 again? Don't see that in the store or reference library.

    I have all the parts mentioned above except A1

    & Wagg. So I'll substitute A7 which I received recently.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  15. #15
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    A1 = Androstadienone, its in the

    "Kits/Supplies" section of the store.

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