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  1. #1

    Default Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    Being a woman I am excited about the possibilites with the new cop concentrate. To be honest, I\'m not sure how mamy copulins are in PI/w and PCC. I\'ve tried both and haven\'t noticed many reactions. My problem is that I don\'t have much experience mixing or diluting pheromones so any advice on how to tackle this new product would be extermely helpful. I\'ve read that you can dilute it with ethenol, but I don\'t now what this is or where I could get it. Would diluting it in oil work? Thanks for the advice. Please keep us posted with any new advances or results concerning this new product. =)

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    Ethanol is drinking alcohol. Grain neutral spirits will work - check out your local liquor store. Lacking that, 100 proof vodka should work.

    There seems to be some question as to whether oil will work.

    When I get my sample, I\'ll post all about it - what I mix it with, how much, etc.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    I have been using Everclear to dilute, its 190 proof grain alcohol (90%). It works for me. if your liquor store carries it go ahead and get it. I mailed my order for AE/CC beta yesterday. Hopefully it gets here next week. I\'ll post my mixing ratio and field reports after i get it

  4. #4
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    Default Waahooo

    Waa-hoo... Just got my email that said my AE/CC beta order was shipped!!!

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    I would go about mixing up the new CC beta say with 1/4 CC with 3/4 Ethonal if you have it and otherwise maybe colonge or i may even be tempted to put in a smigin of alter ego as well in a seperate thing to test that.
    You could use tangent mathematics to go about it like james kohl suggests.

    It however sounds like an interesting product im not taking part this time - still using PCC with the various effects but will watch the forum with great interest for everyone to posts their results. Wasnt there only 100 bottles all up?

  6. #6
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    Don\'t use 100 proof vodka -- too weak -- stuff doesn\'t mix.

    Nice slag of Dr. Kohl there -- he should be thrilled you attributed \"tangent math\", whatever that is, to him. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    My new cops parfum -- Bouquet de la Potay?

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    We\'re talking acids here.

    You should be able to use plain old water to dilute.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    Yeah, good point xvs...

    Don\'t most colognes and perfumes have water in them? Ethanol-based NPA is supposed to be mixed with colognes.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    Nevermind, I\'m wrong about the cologne/perfume.

    \"The common carrier for these preparations are typically different varieties of processed alcohols as well as synthetic stabilizers to keep the resultant \"perfume\" from altering over time. Eau de toilettes usually contain only about 20% actual scent to 80% total base.\"

  10. #10
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    I\'m dying to read the reactions when the first few bottles arrive today. ;-)


  11. #11
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?


    Cheezit!...The Cops!!!
    Got \'em!

    First impression - Something in this package smells like sh*t! ( before even opening the bottles! )
    Second impression - After opening the bottle. VERY vinegar-like with a fecal undertone.

    Seriously, as I was opening the padded mailer I realized that something in here smells like sh*t! Checked both bottles (yeah, I ordered two AE\'s) and nothing appeared to be leaking. So I\'m thinking that this stink had actually permeated the plastic lid of the bottles.
    But upon opening one bottle and coaxing a drop out onto a piece of paper towel, I found that the stuff smelled like a highly concentrated vinegar, and the smell that I first caught prior to opening the bottle was in there but not the predominent aroma.

    I put @ 5mL. of water in a cup and threw in the piece of towel with the drop on it. Not too noticeable. I then put another drop into the cup and it smelled like vinegar.

    I was expecting the usual \"lab-labeled\" bottles one gets when buying the chem sets, P10, or reagent mones from Stone. Not the case. These are 1/2 (or maybe 1/4) dram cobalt bottles with a dropper insert. Also there\'s a label that makes the product look quite ready for retail.

    The label on the front reads:
    ESSENCE tm
    of a woman.
    100% Pure Copulin
    Fragrance Component

    The back label reads:
    Propionic Acid,
    Isobutyric Acid,
    Butyric Acid,
    Acetic Acid,
    Isovaleric Acid,
    Hexanoic Acid,

    2002 SIR Inc, LOT SPE6

    In the time it\'s taken to write this much, which has been about 15 minutes since I type so slowly, the \"essence\" of those two drops that I put into @ 5mL of water has begun to \"fragrance\" the whole room. With time it seems to smell less vinegary and more fecal. Guessing that\'s the Indole which if I am not mistaken is a component of feces.
    I remember seeing somewhere that Indole and even Skatole (sp?) are sometimes utilized as components of fine perfumes. Maybe DrSmellThis would verify that for me.

    And I do believe that my first impression was correct. I DO think you can smell the stuff, at least the fecal-like component, right through the lid of the bottle!

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Surprised?

    Indole is renowned as a stinker. I\'m more than a little surprised that it was added but if it was part of the original research formulation I guess they thought it was necessary.

    I wonder what the Tammy and the girls in Shipping think about it?

    If the indole is \"escaping\" so readily, maybe it needs a strong base note to help \"fix\" it. Something like vetiver or benzoin which leads one to think that this is an perfume or cologne additive rather than a stand-alone product.

    The task ahead then is to find a suitable cover cologne or perfume that covers and holds the powerful components of EoW.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    After your post, I\'m a little bit worried about getting my package. What will the mail man or roommates think? Sounds like it is some pretty powerful stuff. If you come up with any good mixes please keep us posted. =)

  14. #14
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?


    The stink had not permeated the entire package. Only the bubble-pak stuff that was around the Cops bottles seem to have gotten impregnated. Maybe one or both of the cops bottles had a bit of residual stuff on the outside. As I said, there was no sign of any actual leakage. The mailer is totally lined too, so that makes it a bit like a baggie, so I wouldn\'t worry too much about it.

    I would experiment with water as a dilutant to see where your comfort level falls as to concentration. If you use Ethanol, the alcohol smell will mess up your judgement.

    Put 10 drops of distilled water in a cup. Add 1 drop of Cops. Can you smell it? If not add another drop of Cops. Too much? Add 5 more drops of water. And so on. Find the level where it is barely detectable and calculate the concentration. Hopefully this level will hold true for whatever scented product, alcohol, or carrier oil you intend to use.

    I really think that this stuff needs to be diluted to the point that barely a hint of the actual scent is consciously detectable. I don\'t think that this stuff will enhance the scents of most fragrances the way A-None does.
    ( Unless you wear \"Eau de Boardwalk Fries\".) [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Sub-olfactory levels should do just fine.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  15. #15
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Surprised?

    Hmmm benzoin, APC comes to mind. With a otherwise low phero content that could be ideal. Only problem is that it is oil based. Looks like i\'m going to have to buy something air tight to store it in, and metal, by the sound of things.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    \"If you use Ethanol, the alcohol smell will mess up your judgement.\"

    when you\'re bored in life, you learn to appreciate subtle humor

  17. #17
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Surprised?

    The addition of indole suprised me also; it was not in the original formula that Astrid used. Still, I can see that we\'re
    all having to deal with subjective appraisals of the overall
    scent--even when diluted. I did a 1:10 dilution and the scent
    was still to strong, but for me it was the acetic acid that
    came through best/worst. Yes, acetic acid smells somewhat
    like vinegar, but for me the association is more clear, since I worked for many years with glacial acetic acid in the lab testing for blood sugar. Initially, I thought that it might be best to add even more acetic acid, since it was a major component in Astrid\'s mix, but I\'ve had to rethink this approach. Might even be a good idea to cut back on what\'s there--though can\'t be sure how much of which ingredient was used.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    I was worried about getting my package of AE and EW too. I just got my EW package today, but there is nothing to worry about.

    The smell does not make it out of the package. Even after i opened the package i still did not smell anything. The \"dog poop\" smell starts to appear as I started to undo the bubble wrap. I held the bottle, looked at it. I try to see how close i could bring the bottle to my nose. I say I could still tolerate the smell at about 4 inches. Working with it at arms length shouldnt be to bad.

    I still haven\'t broke the seal or opened it. I wrapped it back up in the bubble wrap. its sealed in a zip-lock baggy right now in my desk here at work.

    Here is my observation... Just touching and holding the bottle, my fingers smelled like \"dog poop\". I decided not to wash my hands to see what happens to the smell as it reacts to my skin.

    Guess what, about 1 hr later, I noticed the smell changing, getting close to the smell your finger has soon after fingering a female, but the poop smell is still faintly there.

  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    Man, this stuff smells hella nasty.


  20. #20
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    I have just ordered it, but, like Chuckv, I\'m a bit worried about this product, the best way to use it, and which carrier product to use (alcohol ? water ? what else ?). This makes a lot of questions, and I\'m no good at chemistry !
    So I\'m really waiting for some information from you all - I won\'t receive it till about 10-15 days.



    By the way, I love to write/speak in english, so if I make too many mistakes, please let me know !

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    I have three dogs!!!! I hate to think what kind of reaction the smell of this stuff would have on them. I\'m going to hold off on this stuff until there\'s some feedback on mixing/use/effectiveness of it.

  22. #22
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?


    Your english is very good.

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    thank you, exit63, for appreciating my english !

    I just had a look at the chemistry included in the new Essence and, well, it just got me scared : all of them are toxic products, if not dangerous, when alone... but most chemical products are very dangerous in fact.
    There are products one can find in our famous french cheese (some of the best in the world - the cheese, not the products !), and also in lemongrass, lavender, strawberry, muscade nut (not sure about the words), cypress tree, pineapple and laurel (still not sure about the word). Looks very strange !
    Some of them (butyric, isobutyrix, isovaleric, valeric acids) are said to be soluble in water (3 to 20%), and miscible in oil (which one ? i don\'t know at all).

    Thanks, Oscar, for giving us the composition. And thank you, Bruce, for giving us advice for great precaution with such a bomb !


  24. #24

    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?


    Am I the only one who is highly amused by this thread? Ha!! By the looks of thinks, you all might as well be handling nuclear waste!



  25. #25
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    We are pioneers, leaving no corner of space unexplored.

    They said Edison was crazy. They said Ford was crazy. They said he Wright Brothers were crazy. They said Larry Norlack was crazy. OK, Larry really was crazy, but the other guys came up with some good stuff. ;-)

    Even if an avenue turns out to be a total dead-end, if you learn something, then it was not a waste of time. In this case, I think some adjustment might yet yield fruit.

    Capt. Kirk
    Stardate 8/10/02

  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    anybody have any experiences with this yet? I smelled it, and did have a general raise in my mood for a while. I didn\'t feel necessarily horny, but then again, I was alone in my apartment and it was 3 AM. Oh well.

    Oh yeah, and did I mention it smells nasty? :-)


  27. #27

    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    Oh, Bruce - it\'s not your sanity that I question. (Well, okay, maybe a little! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]) It\'s not the concept that amuses me, just people\'s reactions when they get the stuff. I think it\'s great that you\'ll put this stuff out there for people to test.

    It\'s all still pretty freaking funny though - you have to admit! LOL!



  28. #28
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    \"You all might as well be handling nuclear waste!\" The official phrase is \"Nuclear Beneficial Byproducts\"

    As to EW, I think the key to handling this stuff is mixing and diluting with a fixative that would hold the stuff back. We\'re dealing with a professional strength fragrance (mine\'s on order) and will need to learn some of the secrets of the pros. I\'ve already proposed vetiver and benzoin (styrax) as base notes - there have been others mentioned by other posters.

    One application I propose is to add EW to a vaginal lubricant like KY gel; we could call it EWKY (e-wicky).

    From the concentration of EW, my proposed name seems inappropriate - Hint of Hussy - HoH - since there is more than a mere hint.

  29. #29
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    Fixative sounds like a lovely idea [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] It\'s definately powerful.

    I seem to be the only one who doesn\'t think it smells _bad_. I think it smells like essence of parmegan cheese.

    0.25 ml in 25.0 ml of 75% EtOH. 1.0% solution. It\'s _still_ powerful. I put one spray on my jeans, covered it with two sprays of unscented Andro 4.2 and some decent Patchouli spray from Crabtree Evelyn, and I\'m off to a music workshop for the night. This oughta be interesting...

  30. #30

    Default Re: Who has ordered the new copulin concentrate?

    It\'s been a few days. Has anyone applied any of this stuff and walked out in public?

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