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Thread: Science Debate

  1. #31
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba
    Good experiment.

    I'm not sure whether other, less cosmetic surgeries to the nose (like deviated septum repair) also obliterate the

    VNO, but they'd be useful either way:

    1) If they don't obliterate the VNO, they'd be good controls; and

    If they do, they'd be a better population to choose from, as I think there would be less self-selection bias than

    there would be in those who chose cosmetic surgery.

    In general, it's tough to look at the effects of surgeries

    in people, as it is usually unethical to do mock surgeries on the controls, as we do with animals.
    Bubba is

    the type of person I've interacted with many times over the years in university settings. He is an experienced


    How do I know? Because I can tell from a paragraph of him speaking. Without a doubt. He wouldn't

    have said "self-selection bias" in the middle of a normal, boring sentence otherwise, for example. That's normal,

    everyday scientific conversation to me. That's my language. He talks with others how I am used to talking with

    other scientists. He is the first one I can remember. Specifically, he is talking the language of someone who

    designs, conducts and writes up studies. He understands research from the inside-out.

    JVK is literally not

    anywhere remotely close to that kind of person with that expertise, education, or training. Nothing wrong with that

    whatsoever, but that's the way it is. I admire anyone who is able to participate in a field being essentially self

    taught, but it ain't the same thing.

    I've met lots of Bubbas. Bubba is the kind of guy, like a prof, that

    would have kicked my butt in grad school a thousand times if I had tried to pass BS off as science, scientific

    thinking, or scientific talking. So I learned to be scientific over the ten years I was in grad school. Bubba

    recognized that from one paragraph as well.

    I'd like to assume everybody that talks science, especially if they

    are claiming authority, would act like that. No biggie.

    JVK comes across as something very, very different; not

    a scientist in the way I and most others would define it. He knows a lot of current facts about pheromones, maybe

    more than anybody, and has written a number of good literature reviews; some with theoretical importance; but is a

    scientific technician (associates level lab tech by education and training, IIRC), who compensates in Napoleanic

    fashion with extreme, escalating appeals to ego and authority. If he could just learn to be who he is, he'd be

    fine. But that won't happen any day soon, sad to predict, because there is no insight into his own condition. The

    ego gets even bigger when threatened.

    From day one, I was more than willing to give credit where due to JVK, and

    a lot is due. The problem is he oversteps his bounds so often, in so many areas, (e.g., pontificating about human

    psychology, a field he has no training in whatsoever, while playing the expert card) you end up spending most of

    your time dealing with hollow arrogance. (I was the only one trying to confront this, along with juggling my other


    It ends up feeling like disrespect/contempt to the forum and its members, though I assume no malicious

    intent. Forum members deserve the same care with our words as conference participants, university scientists, or

    anyone else. If you're that good, you should be able to be that good here. I've never seen a good scientist have

    any trouble with it, maybe because they spend so much time teaching.

    I've never been able to speak completely

    frankly in these situations because of my historic "helping person" (if you will) role here, (the mods are in a

    similar situation) and as a person selling a product. I never wanted to come across as having conflicting roles, as

    having another agenda. Plus, I was the only one here with a backround in research methods/psychology (still am, as

    far as psych), and there was no one to triangulate off of. It's just your word against someone else's -- and if

    the other person is willing to pull out all the stops, say things to mess with people, never admit they're wrong,

    and disrespect rules of scientific conversation, you can only do so much.

    Even if you have them where you want

    them, which I did with JVK many times, they just change the rules of the conversation.

    That happened with this

    conversation a lot too, the attentive reader will notice. Even when JVK is "dead to rights" wrong for all the

    universe to see, he simply changes the rules; says something obscure, technical and confusing; diverts the topic;

    and plays the authority card; among other sophisticated tricks (e.g., "I'm right because a Nobel winner links to my

    web page"; "how dare you presume your opinion is as important as mine", etc.).

    But one thing that impresses me

    about Bubba is his ability to get to the meat of it in one sentence. I think that is from dealing with it every day,

    and probably from teaching it to grad students every day, etc. You get good at disposing of pseudoscientific jargon

    (like the redundant, "cognitive thought" from JVK's paper extract above) very quickly, for example. My hat is off

    to him.

    An outside person who is clearly a competent scientist coming in to add another person to the mix was

    always the thing we needed here. Now you have more than one scientific person in the conversation, and the less

    scientific person can't get away with creating an alternate reality, becoming a bully, and relying on enough

    impressionable newbies and laypeople in the audience to buy the unscientifc fertilizer. The ethics of it are sad,

    frankly, but that's why they teach you scientific ethics in grad school.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 02-20-2007 at 06:59 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  2. #32
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    You get good at

    disposing of pseudoscientific jargon (like the redundant, "cognitive thought" from JVK's paper extract above) very

    quickly, for example. My hat is off to him.
    I use "cognitive" and "conscious" to emphasize the

    difference between what we think is happening (i.e., our thoughts) compared to the unconscious behavioral affects

    that occur in response to the effect of pheromones on hormones. I do this throughout the article. Therefore, you

    explicitly imply (I'm using explicitly for emphasis) that its reviewers and at least one editor either do not

    recognize the (i.e., your) need to dispose of pseudoscientific jargon, or that they recognize the (i.e., my) need

    for emphasis. Which do you think is correct? Maybe you should read the article before deciding. Or perhaps, maybe

    they just didn't want to mention "pseudoscientific jargon" for fear of bruising my ego.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis

    An outside person who is clearly a competent scientist coming in to add another person to the mix was always the

    thing we needed here.
    Given this ongoing need, why does it appear that he has only posted

    approximately 10 times since joining in May, 2006? And why so much activity in this thread? For all we know he could

    be a majority stock holder in Erox/Human Pheromone Sciences who is waiting for the stock to rebound with new

    fertilizer for the androstadienone and VNO approach.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    Now you have more than one

    scientific person in the conversation, and the less scientific person can't get away with creating an alternate

    reality, becoming a bully, and relying on enough impressionable newbies and laypeople in the audience to buy the

    unscientifc fertilizer.
    Now we also have changed this thread from androstadienone and the VNO to JVK

    and his ego, and you appear to have decided what is unscientific fertilizer.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis

    ethics of it are sad, frankly, but that's why they teach you scientific ethics in grad school.

    Forum has never been about scientific ethics; it's a marketing tool. You've used it to promote your product, I've

    used it to promote mine. It is now being used to discredit me by changing the focus from putative human pheromones,

    which you agree I know a lot about, to my ego--which you and others seem to think you know about--in this thread.

    So, if I don't spend much more time responding to posts like this, I hope you understand


    author/creator: The Scent of Eros

  3. #33
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Now that everybody has had a

    chance to blow off at each other, I think it is time we ended this discussion.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #34
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    I use

    "cognitive" and "conscious" to emphasize the difference between what we think is happening (i.e., our thoughts)

    compared to the unconscious behavioral affects that occur in response to the effect of pheromones on hormones.
    "Cognition" and "thought" are well known in psychology and psychiatry as synonyms. So it redundant to say

    "cognitive thinking", unless you redefine the terms to mean something idiosyncratic to your paper, and clarify that

    in your paper. Did you do that?

    Plus, now you do seem to be using them as synonyms.

    Frankly, now that you

    mention it, the term, "unconscious behavioral affects" doesn't make sense either.

    Do you instead mean

    "effects", as in "cause and effect", or do you mean the noun "affect", which is a basic psychological term that

    means the visible manifestation of emotion (which seemingly has little to do with your term)?

    Either way would

    be an inppropriate usage of the term. You appear to be mixing these basic psychological terms up, a common mistake

    among beginning psychology students.
    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    I do this throughout the article. Therefore, you explicitly

    imply (I'm using explicitly for emphasis) that its reviewers and at least one editor either do not recognize the

    (i.e., your) need to dispose of pseudoscientific jargon, or that they recognize the (i.e., my) need for emphasis.

    Which do you think is correct?
    This is another appeal to authority. The fact that something gets published

    does not make it beyond criticism.
    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    Maybe you should read the article before deciding.

    posted the excerpt here. I read your posting and the explanation of your posting, which didn't change anything.

    It's possible your article would fix something you said, by redefining common psychological terms to mean something

    else. But given your explanation, I'm not optimistic or interested enough to read your whole article at this time

    for that purpose, frankly. Most readers go by what you post here. If you want to clarify the terms you use here, out

    of respect for readers; feel free.

    Part of what people are criticising is this implication that readers have the

    obligation to read the ongoing body of your work, rather than expect you to take responsibility for what you post

    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    Given this ongoing need, why does it appear that he has only posted approximately 10 times since

    joining in May, 2006? And why so much activity in this thread? For all we know he could be a majority stock holder

    in Erox/Human Pheromone Sciences who is waiting for the stock to rebound with new fertilizer for the androstadienone

    and VNO approach.
    I'll let Bubba respond to that one. But I don't see Bubba trumpeting the VNO at all.

    He is making measured statements about various possibilities regarding its existence/function, that acknowledge

    multiple sides of the issue. Nowhere did he assert the VNO was clearly active. That makes your suspicion of him

    having financial motives or whatever uncompelling.

    Instead of responding to his statements directly, you talk

    about suspecting him of a kind of subterfuge. There you go again diverting the issue.
    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    Now we also have

    changed this thread from androstadienone and the VNO to JVK and his ego, and you appear to have decided what is

    unscientific fertilizer.
    I would also prefer to keep threads on topic; but would suggest that your behavior

    might have something to do with threads drifting repeatedly over the years, across any number of posters, into

    discussions of your ego. You said you had been through this same thing many times, with both experienced and new

    posters. I wonder why? If it happens repeatedly, could you have anything to do with it?
    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    This Forum

    has never been about scientific ethics; it's a marketing tool. You've used it to promote your product, I've used

    it to promote mine.
    If you were interested in forum participants primarily as marketing targets (which I'm

    not suggesting); that might help explain any feelings of disrespect readers might feel if they are trying to have a

    serious discussion; or a discussion about the science. That is for you to say.

    I'd hope all of us could

    separate our marketing from our scientific discussion.

    If you are talking about science while representing

    yourself as a scientist, no matter the forum, professional ethics would and should apply. They apply to me, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    It is now being used to discredit me by changing the focus from putative human pheromones, which you

    agree I know a lot about, to my ego--which you and others seem to think you know about--in this thread.

    of us are criticising consistent behavior in the forum, which is different from "trying to discredit" you. You keep

    shifting the focus elsewhere, whether onto your outside work, being victimized, or whatever.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  5. #35
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Sorry, Belgareth, I hadn't

    noticed your last post before writing mine. I won't post again.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  6. #36
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis

    Belgareth, I hadn't noticed your last post before writing mine. I won't post again.
    It wasn't an order.

    It was a suggestion because this thread really isn't getting us anywhere. Its a non-productive waste of time, in my

    opinion. So long as it stays here in Open discussion it doesn't matter all that much, though.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  7. #37
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Still, I agree.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  8. #38
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Let's leave it.

    James, suffice

    it to say, you've obviously made a lot of enemies over the years with your schoolyard bullying. But, you've

    obviously made a lot of great contributions too. Bubba is obviously the superior scientist. I think we could all

    learn a lot about real science under his tutelage.

    As the admin here, I have been very lax. My *intention* at

    this point is to provide more security for the layman-ship around here. If there is such a thing as an "authority"

    they are certainly welcome to contribute in a positive way, but may not use their perceived superiority as license

    to browbeat the general membership, and I hope the moderators will back me up here.

    Peace Love Truth

    (preferably in that order)
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    But one thing

    that impresses me about Bubba is his ability to get to the meat of it in one sentence.
    Gosh, if you

    keep talking like that, "Bubba" is going to be a perfect description of the size and shape of my head.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    For all we know he

    could be a majority stock holder in Erox/Human Pheromone Sciences who is waiting for the stock to rebound with new

    fertilizer for the androstadienone and VNO approach.
    I'm not. As an academic, all I've got is my

    403(b) retirement account with TIAA-CREF.
    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    Now we also have changed this thread from androstadienone

    and the VNO to JVK and his ego, and you appear to have decided what is unscientific fertilizer.
    When you

    argue from authority, you are responsible for that change.

  11. #41
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba
    Gosh, if you keep

    talking like that, "Bubba" is going to be a perfect description of the size and shape of my head.

    intention was not so much to give you a compliment, but to accurately describe how you come across: As a

    professional researcher, who has been around the block, understands the scientific method, and does science every

    day. I should hope you could own up to all that by this time without getting a big head.

    That said, we

    certainly appreciate your participation.

    If you say something I disagree with (or just have something to add

    to), I won't hesitate to point it out. But you can be sure I'll watch my scientific "P's and Q's" if I do.

    The nice thing is that such care would not be wasted.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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