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Thread: Pherlure

  1. #31
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    When I Googled

    "Di-Dehydroepiandrosterone" the only result that I got that even looked like a clinical study was this:


    Taken at face value, that abstract might lead one to conclude that

    Di-Dehydroepiandrosterone, when applied to the skin over a 12 week period, would in fact raise plasma blood

    pheromone levels and increase one's sexual attractiveness.

    However, there may be those among you who, like

    myself, DO NOT take things at face value. Even if you were willing to apply a product for several weeks to see

    results, you may still have some questions. For instance, you might ask, "Why would a major research facility like

    the University of Chicago conduct what would obviously have been a very expensive clinical study using a commercial

    pheromone product rather than sourcing it from a reputable "Bio-Chem" supply company?"
    Additionally you might ask,

    "Why aren't the authors of that study credited on that abstract?"

    I didn't know the answers to these


    So I decided that the answers might be in the study itself.
    Going to the "Search" option on this

    page : and entering

    "Di-Dehydroepiandrosterone", I was disappointed to find that "Di-Dehydroepiandrosterone - did not match any

    documents.", as you can see here:


    (If you're doubtful whether this search function accesses the scientific

    database, try entering "pheromone" or just plain "Dehydroepiandrosterone" and you'll see that it does.)


    fully convinced that it may have been an oversight that this abstract had not been entered into the University of

    Chicago's database, I ran the term "Di-Dehydroepiandrosterone" on a Google Scholar search": .
    Again, "Your search -

    Di-Dehydroepiandrosterone - did not match any articles. "


    I then ran

    several of the key phrases from the (alleged) abstract that appears near the top of this post through both the U of

    C search and Google Scholar, and still didn't come up with any hint that this study, or in fact ANY study on

    "Di-Dehydroepiandrosterone" was ever conducted.

    So, as it so often happens in the pursuit of truth, I find

    myself puzzled by even MORE questions than I started with. Does Di-Dehydroepiandrosterone actually exist? Is it

    conceivable that a pheromone company would concoct a bogus abstract to try to promote their product?

    But the

    bottom line question on this forum would of course be, "Is Pherlure any good?"
    My answer would be simple. I don't

    know. I haven't tried it.


  2. #32
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    The only question I have left

    is why does it get hits for me if there were absolutely no merit to it? There has to be something in it to get

    myself and other guys hits. Maybe they are just not disclosing exactly what is in it for fear of other people

    duplicating their formula and they are claiming some type of substance they have named "Di-dehydroepiandrosterone".

    Just a thought...

  3. #33
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    Just because you can't seem

    to find any research on it nor can you explain why it does in fact get some people hits is no reason to write it off

    as a scam. ALso just because I am new to this forum and hence a "stranger" is that any reason to discount my

    experience and honest reporting of that experience with the product? Does your product constantly get hits for every

    person who wears it 100% of the time? And how exactly can you call it a scam when in my experience it does get hits?

    I may be new here but you seem to be rather condescending vs. trying it to see what your results are. Why not try

    having a little respect for the experience of others and their right to post in the forum no matter what length of

    time they have been in the forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    Bruce is unlikely

    to sell such a product; he's not into scamming and never has been. When a company goes to the degree this one has

    to misrepresent its product, it sends a clear signal to anyone who is legit. Regretably, this thread is bringing

    more attention to the product than it deserves. My comments were not intended to contribute to any debate. If it

    were up to me, I would pull the thread, and monitor for repeat mention by any "strangers." I'm against censorship,

    but I'm not comfortable reading any more attention-grabbing garbage about the product (certain posts excepted).


  4. #34
    Banned User
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    There's really no point

    discussing it any further. Everyone's already made up their minds. To summarize, the advertising is apparently

    bogus, so the product cannot possibly have any effect. To hell with empirical evidence! These "strangers" don't

    know their heads from a hole in the ground when it comes to noticing people acting differently than normal around

    them - never mind being able to detect effects on themselves.

    I think that was the gist of it, anyway.

    Besides, it's a competing product, so why bother discussing this further? My point in discussing it at all wasn't

    to advertise someone else's competing product, but to share my experiences. Since I'm a fool for being so easily

    scammed, I suppose I'll just have to keep my experiences with it to myself. Since my experiences have been very

    positive, this really doesn't bother me. I'll take my empirical evidence over your scientific data any


    And on that note, Bruce would probably appreciate it if we let this thread die...

  5. #35
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    I'm with you catlord - I'll

    take my empirical evidence in the form of a woman's gaze and touch over anyone's "scientific data" any day of the


    Quote Originally Posted by catlord17
    There's really no point discussing it any further. Everyone's already made up

    their minds. To summarize, the advertising is apparently bogus, so the product cannot possibly have any effect. To

    hell with empirical evidence! These "strangers" don't know their heads from a hole in the ground when it comes to

    noticing people acting differently than normal around them - never mind being able to detect effects on


    I think that was the gist of it, anyway. Besides, it's a competing product, so why bother

    discussing this further? My point in discussing it at all wasn't to advertise someone else's competing product,

    but to share my experiences. Since I'm a fool for being so easily scammed, I suppose I'll just have to keep my

    experiences with it to myself. Since my experiences have been very positive, this really doesn't bother me. I'll

    take my empirical evidence over your scientific data any day.

    And on that note, Bruce would probably appreciate

    it if we let this thread die...

  6. #36
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    Empirical evidence really

    doesn't say anything unless it's collected in a reasonably controlled fashion. The scientific method is designed

    to weed out personal opinions from people who want to believe before they see evidence. The problem is that even

    scientists fall victim to the desire to fit everything into their pre-conceived model of How It Is. This is why we

    have "breakthroughs" every so often where some poor genius gets credit for something big after he's dead - because

    nobody in the scientific community wanted to listen while he was alive.

    My experiences are not scientifically

    valid unless I follow a rigid protocol, and I understand this. Not only that, but I have not had a long time to

    test and re-test. However, as far as informal experiments go, I have made efforts to observe without influencing.

    It seems to me that getting the exact same response from women who have never met or spoken with one another in

    response to "What is your response to my cologne?" - without having ever been informed of the other's response - is

    a point in favor of what they say being true. That's just one example. I've had a number of experiences that

    really surprised me with Pherlure, mainly because I'm skeptical myself. But I'm also open minded. And after

    having had the experiences that I have, my conclusion - until I see real life evidence to the contrary - is that it

    has the desired effect.

    So when I say I'll take my empirical data over "scientific data", I am not

    disparraging science, as it may seem. I'm simply stating that I believe that anything viewed with a closed mind

    cannot be seen as it really is. Scientists should approach things with an open mind and a neutral attitude, even if

    they have a working hypothesis. This doesn't happen as much as it should probably, but c'est la vie. The fact

    is, until we experiment, a lot, we don't know. If we don't know, we cannot reasonably draw conclusions. Have you

    tested this stuff out in any of your own experiments, James? Honestly, I'd love to see you do some double blind

    experiments where you monitored the body temp, heart rate, breath rate and brain activity of women and men while

    they are experiencing pherlure, and for that matter, androstenone, androsterone, etc. That would be absolutely


    It's really not worth arguing. If you see results, use it. If not, don't. I have nothing to

    gain if you don't, and I really couldn't care less either way. I just would appreciate it if I wasn't looked

    down upon for trying to add my two cents.

  7. #37
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    I agree 1000%. There is no

    reason anyone here should be looked down upon for their opinions.

  8. #38
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Pherolover and Catlord:

    Lighten up. I agree that some of the posters here were unaccountably rude to you and for that I apologise on their

    behalf. It's unfortunate that some people see the world through a very narrow tunnel and lack any form of manners.

    At the same time, you will have to accept a large dose of scepticism. You come on the forum as a newbie with no

    reputation here talking about something that nobody else knows about and that what little science can be found seems

    to contradict you and expect people to take it at face value? That's a little unrealistic, isn't it? I hope you

    didn't expect everybody to take it as gospel.

    You want a suggestion? Do some semi-rigid tests and report the

    results in a meaningful fashion. Don't make any claims just report results of tests. Give us more than a very few

    personal experiences to work with. There are a lot of people here that will be willing to look at a product on those

    terms without pre-judging it. You'll still get the nay-sayers but others will read the material with interest and

    might even respond.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #39
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    To be perfectly honest, the reason I

    haven't given much thought to carrying the product is that I am drowning in spam email selling Pherlure. That is 2

    strikes against it right there. If they are officially propounding misinformation that would pretty much seal it.

    I haven't looked into it though, so I can't say if they are or aren't doing that, but every day I have to delete

    a half dozen Pherlure spam emails from my inbox, is another day I don't check it out. On the other hand, we have

    carried other low-phero products for years mainly because they smell very good and mix well with unscented


    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  10. #40
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Cool True enuf... the bogus phero racket is a slimy parasite that crawled up our bums

    you shake your head in disbelief... the combination of brazen lies

    and absurd stupidity... that creates a towering wall for an honest broker to climb, there are honest well meaning

    vendors, all too often it is a case of Gresham's law, the bad will drive out the good... case in point here,

    somebody might make decent product but the normal goodwill has been burned out by the liars, there is an epidemic of

    shilling too, I even think now there are shill services, companies that patrol around for bulletin boards, amazon

    postings, anything, and routinely saturate the discussions with ad copy disguised as personal opinion. I've sure

    seen this happen on, where if you put up a negative but reasonable criticism of an author (particularly

    in the self help or motivational genre) out of the blue there would be five or six reviews bursting with canned

    enthusiasm, sufficient to push your commentary off the page. If you came back with another one another five of six

    would magically appear within 2 days.... so it looks like there is a professionalised "astroturf" ( i.e. bogus

    grassroots) public relations industry contaminating every business, not only this one.

  11. #41
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    .... so it looks

    like there is a professionalised "astroturf" ( i.e. bogus grassroots) public relations industry contaminating every

    business, not only this one.
    Thanks for stating the obvious. I will add that there is a difference

    between empirical evidence (contolled study not supported by anyone associated with unknown ingredients or a known

    product--one that could potentially be replicated) and anecdotal evidence (it worked for me!). Nearly everything

    that's posted to the Forum is anecdotal, but frequently the anecdotal evidence is supported by empirical data (at

    least with SoE).

    Here's an example of "anecdotal," no matter how much empirical data you may think supports

    it. /> src=abc

    The twin experience reported is from an uncontrolled experiment with a compound that still is

    unknown (though Cutler herself said it's DHEA). Cutler has gotten more mileage out of this decade old scam than I

    could ever have imagined. Then, out of the blue, someone did the same thing with SoE products in a broadcast "The

    Aphrodisiac Test" which aired on the UK channel 5 November 10th. I had no idea why my site traffic increased

    astronomically, and at first, was not pleased to learn of the "aphrodisiac" connection, since SoE products make no

    claim of being aphrodisiacs. But do I mind the free advertising? Not too much.

    I've made some contacts who

    saw the show and were impressed when they looked at (and to find that we're not

    scamming anyone; there's empirical data to support everything I've said--and not all of it comes from me (like

    Cutler's garbage). So, people are complimentary and repeatedly have said that my approach seems much more

    reasonable compared to other product marketing scams that make most of Europe laugh at the concept of human

    pheromones--because the concept has been bastardized by ridiculous marketing claims.

    If I seem a bit harsh

    with regard to the strangers, all of the above should be reason enough. At least a few of the long-term Forum

    participants have done their homework, which is what I recommend the "strangers" do. Hopefully, the "strangers" will

    realize the difference between marketing scams and what's going on here on the Forum (discussion of products and

    results). It shouldn't take long to recognize the difference, and get rid of any "contaminants".


    and Athena = marketing scam, SoE and other Love-Scent products = conceptualized from empirical data.


    course, I'm biased by the empirical data. That doesn't mean Forum members are likely to disregard it. But then,

    they're not "strangers" either.


  12. #42
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    Now that you say marketing

    scam, I am following you better, James. It is a marketing scam, even if you don't take into account the lack of

    scientific data they claim to have. Just their advertising style is indicative of a marketing scam.

    One thing I

    have been contemplating, as a potential distributor, is how I responded to versus the Pherlure

    website. Pherlure's website is obviously trying hard to control what information is available to the consumer, and

    they keep a tight leash on it. That's frustrating when you try to find out more, as I did. But I purchased it not

    because I was "taken in", but because I wanted to try it out for myself. I believe that if I am going to potentially

    sell something, I should know about it, and I didn't want to sell something I did not know worked.

    Now with

    love-scent's products, I would probably not have bought what I have if there was not this forum. This forum speaks

    volumes for the real value of what is being sold here. It says, "We know this is for real, and we don't mind

    letting anyone who wants to discuss their experiences with it." That is why I decided to purchase from love-scent,

    since some of the products were a bit more than I wanted to spend. I was impressed enough by the confidence this

    forum shows in the product to be persuaded to buy regardless.

    I have also been thinking that such a forum would

    be good for my own web store when I open it.

    Honestly, after having the experiences I have had from pherlure, I

    don't know why they would be using scam techniques to sell the stuff, but maybe this is the prodct of a greedy

    mind. I've noticed that greedy corporate types often put into effect practices that might produce gain in the short

    term, but result in disaster in the long term. Would you guys have a different opinion of pherlure if they'd gone

    about selling it in a more "normal" way, even without having tried it yourselves?

    At this point, I'm pretty sure

    I want to resell Bruce's offerings, but I'm still iffy on Pherlure, because their marketing methods balance out

    the positive results I have had with it.

    I'm not an astroturfer. Perhaps a little amazed at my results, and

    maybe a bit enthusiastic to report them... but I'm not an astroturfer. I really wish I was getting the same sort of

    results from TE, but so far I've had almost nothing in terms of response from TE alone, at one spray or two - at

    least, nothing I cannot be sure wasn't a placebo effect. I'm sure it would help to do more tests in more

    environments, and that's what I plan to do... I have seen what happens when a woman with an average or high sex

    drive encounters pherlure with and without the influence of alcohol, but I have not had that opportunity with TE

    just yet.

    SOE I tried only once and I did notice results along the lines of women being much more talkative and

    positive, similar to how my family members responded to Pherlure on this last Thanksgiving. If I can get consistent

    results from SOE, it'll be worth every bit as much to me. Breaking the social ice is my downfall. Once it's

    broken, I usually have quite the time. That seems to be the biggest, most consistent result I get from Pherlure -

    people in general are more admiring, positive and open towards me.

    I'm going to try to document my experiments

    better and reproduce them. That should give me better ammunition for you guys. Any suggestions on how to do my


  13. #43
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    I will give you two

    this.....(pherolove and catlord17) you dont give up without a fight thats for sure. I wish the products results were

    as good as your determination and debating skills! No quit in ya....its like a football team that fights to the end

    even when they are losing by 50 points! lol

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUKE3100
    I will give

    you two this.....(pherolove and catlord17) you dont give up without a fight thats for sure. I wish the products

    results were as good as your determination and debating skills! No quit in ya....its like a football team that

    fights to the end even when they are losing by 50 points! lol
    Obviously, for me, they have been - that's

    why I haven't caved. Why back down when I believe I'm right? Of course I'm not so interested in just pherlure

    as you probably think based on this thread. I'm more interested in getting a feel for all these pheromones.


    presume you tried it and didn't get very good results?

    One way or the other, time will tell.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by catlord17
    Obviously, for

    me, they have been - that's why I haven't caved. Why back down when I believe I'm right? Of course I'm not so

    interested in just pherlure as you probably think based on this thread. I'm more interested in getting a feel for

    all these pheromones.

    I presume you tried it and didn't get very good results?

    One way or the other, time

    will tell.
    I have gotten some results from it but it is usually hostility!! At best it gets me attention

    but it totally throws me off my game cause girls are mad or vindictive or grabbing me! Its not like I am rude or say

    anything at all or bring it on myself either....its out of the blue...and usually there is no reaction at all. I

    have been bitten on my chest while wearing the stuff...a far cry from the uncontrolled smooching some strange girl

    did to my neck when I had on ae!

  16. #46
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    Oh, so now you're reporting

    neck smooching, but I'm supposed to believe that when nobody believes MY neck smooching story? lol

    I would

    have to chalk your experiences up to a different phero signature. I know too much 'none makes people aggressive,

    but what would too much Di-DHEA do? Is it a relative of androsterone? Have any sort of similar effect? I have not

    tried to "OD" on pherlure, but I did spray it directly on my face once. It definitely caused me to become very

    confident in myself. I only used one spray though.

  17. #47
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    I doubt the smell of fresh

    baked bread or the smell of cinnamon rolls are pheromones, but they sure can change someones mood.

    Does something

    have to be technically classified as a pheromone to be able to induce a change in brain chemistry via the nose? I

    dont think so.

    This is not a black and white world; there are a lot of grey areas, and a lot of things we dont


    If it works, it works. Although I have no experience with this product.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Bravo
    I doubt

    the smell of fresh baked bread or the smell of cinnamon rolls are pheromones, but they sure can change someones


    Does something have to be technically classified as a pheromone to be able to induce a change in brain

    chemistry via the nose? I dont think so.

    This is not a black and white world; there are a lot of grey areas, and

    a lot of things we dont know.

    If it works, it works. Although I have no experience with this

    Scent affecting mood usually has to do with memories associated with those scents. I had never

    encountered the particular scent they use in Pherlure before I ordered this bottle. Therefore, no associated


    Furthermore, my favorite cologne isn't far from the scent of pherlure. It does not produce any

    emotional response in me that I know of. I just wear it because it smells good to me.

    Whatever the active

    ingredient in pherlure is, it has an immediate and pronounced effect on me and those friends of mine who have

    smelled it. As I said before, I have had two women literally try to steal the bottle out of my hands after being

    allowed to smell the sprayer (without knowing what it was).

  19. #49
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    There is always the danger of the

    placebo effect. Pheromones are just one part of the equasion, attitude and how you carry yourself is another. One

    may unconsciously primp and preen or carry themselves differently when "testing" a product. Or if nothing else, be

    working harder at trying to find some evidence of the product's effectiveness.

    I like to alternate between

    prodcuts over time and in different situations to see if any firm pattern can be seen. It can take a frustratingly

    long time, and so much is indeed subjective.

    Ideally I suppose one should do a "double blind" type study,

    including times when you don't wear any products and times when you wear something that "feels" (smells, applies,

    etc) like a pheromone product but contains no pheromones at all. You'd need to enlist the aid of someone to make up

    the various test vials and track the results for you.

    Just some thoughts.

    PS I love that term "astroturfers"

    for fake grassroots opinions. Not heard that one before, but will be adding it to my lexicon.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  20. #50
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    Has anyone created a mix

    using both the chem set androstenone and the chem set androsterone and if so what have your results been? I recently

    received my order for these 2 mones and I will be mixing it with Pherlure to see what kind of response I get. I will

    post my results here when they become available but I could use a little feedback if anyone has tried this (without

    using Pherlure) as to amounts used, masking scents, additional mones, etc.

  21. #51
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    To anyone who's

    I mixed chem set Androstenone with APC and Pherlure and I've gotten hits from women in the form of

    DIHL's, circling behavior, stares and sneaking peeks, and them smiling and striking up conversations with me. One

    lady last night in a coffee shop even asked me to rub her back after a little small talk which I gladly did. I

    notice that when I added the chem set Androstenone to the mix it took away from the strength of the scent of the APC

    but it didn't seem to effect the results I got. When I mixed APC, AndrosteRone and Pherlure my results were a

    little different. It seemed like the results I got were more of a warm nature with women who I've seen a number of

    times who were previously cold or acted like I didn't exist acknowledging my presence and smiling at me warmly.

    When I mixed Androstenone, AndrosteRone, APC and Pherlure together I got the most amazing nipple erection I've seen

    in quite awhile! So much so that she had to cover her breasts with her arms as she talked with me and then she

    immediately put on a vest which covered them entirely. Her nipples were rather big and I could sense her

    embarassment too - her face totally blushed when she noticed that I noticed them getting hard. I also got a really

    wierd response from one woman which was her initially staring at me a number of times but then when I looked at her

    the last time I noticed her looking at me I smiled at her. When I did this she gave me this look that almost seemed

    like she was thinking "How dare you smile at me!?!" It was almost like a condescending look - rather strange. This

    was with a mix of APC, Androstenone and Pherlure.

  22. #52
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    what were your dosages of -none,

    -rone, apc & pherlure when you got the nipple reaction?

  23. #53
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    Hi Mick,
    The dosages are

    one half ounce of Pherlure and one half ounce of APC mixed together then 3 drops each of chem set Androstenone and

    chem set Androsterone added in. I use an empty Pherlure bottle to carry the mixture in and I keep it on me at all


  24. #54
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    Holy sh*t, a half OUNCE of

    pherlure and a half OUNCE of APC? I would think three drops of the other two in that mix wouldn't even be worth

    noticing! But the nipple response is very interesting... I think I'll have to try mixing APC with Pherlure at the


    I have noticed that when I mix Pherlure with 'none, the result is very warm and sensual, and much slower

    to work, but more a sensual, smouldering effect.

    What I'd like to know is... is the active incgredient in

    Pherlure the same as CS androsteRONE?

  25. #55
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    Yes, I definitely get hits

    with just the Pherlure and APC (1:1) mixed together by themselves. I think I'll take your idea though and mix

    Pherlure with -none and see what I get. What ratio did you use? I was wondering the same thing too about whether the

    active ingredient in Pherlure is chem set androsterone since they say their active ingredient ends in -Rone. Another

    experiment I'm going to try is adding Androstadienone with Pherlure to see what that mix gets me. I just got the

    chem set Androstadienone today so I'll be playing with it the next few days and I'll post my


    Quote Originally Posted by catlord17
    Holy sh*t, a half OUNCE of pherlure and a half OUNCE of APC? I would think three drops

    of the other two in that mix wouldn't even be worth noticing! But the nipple response is very interesting... I

    think I'll have to try mixing APC with Pherlure at the least.

    I have noticed that when I mix Pherlure with

    'none, the result is very warm and sensual, and much slower to work, but more a sensual, smouldering effect.

    What I'd like to know is... is the active incgredient in Pherlure the same as CS androsteRONE?

  26. #56
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    Deer in hlight look, hair

    twirling etc etc all fable signs...can be explained in a lot of ways. A DIHL can be a "damn this guy has a shitload

    of cologne on" or a "hmm thats a wierd scent. What cologne is it" look.
    Hairwirling can be nervousnes or stress. I

    made the same mistake at first and looked too much. Everything i posted before is not sabstansial evidence and i

    shouldnt have posted them. I was too excited.

    Of course it could be the start of something or it could be

    something but for me the real evidence is in change! I havent posted for a while not only because i figured the

    above out but because i feel emotionaly happy now. I have wemen in my life! And THATS how i know the pheros i bought

    more or less "enhanced" me. I date 3 pretty ladies and in fact i have difficulties which one to keep before i move

    onto a serious relationship. Thats what i wanted when i first looked into pheros and thats what i got.

    For me it

    wasnt pherlure it was AE!

    Note: I used pherlure for 2 weeks with no results, i used AE for 1 week and i met the

    first of the three. Also the above is my honest oppinion...body language is known to meen something but i dont think

    they must be used to prove the effectiveness of a product.

  27. #57
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    Pherolover, when I was mixing

    Pherlure with 'none, I was doing so in a few different ratios:

    1 spray Pherlure:1 spray TE
    2 sprays Pherlure: 1

    spray TE
    1 spray pherlure:2 sprays TE

    For me, TE doesn't seem to have much effect aside from when I overdose

    and it just makes me crabby. Pherlure makes me stronger in my confidence, and it makes me stand straighter, almost

    like I have more self esteem. Mixing the two definitely takes away from the immediate sexual charge I see in

    Pherlure, and replaces it with a more sensual, smouldering charge that is slower to attract the ladies, but seems to

    make them much more touchy feely and lusty instead of "You're the alpha male, and I want to f*ck now.", which seems

    to be what I get from responsive females who already know me with Pherlure. Of course I am not the most experienced

    phero user so I can't say these experiences are the end-all, be-all.

    Charlie, You're right, these things can be

    attributed to other reasons, but taken as a group, you don't usually see them without interest from the ladies

    being present. I like to do things like walk into a bookstore, and observe people for a while as I sit at the cafe

    reading. Then I'll apply some pheros, and observe them for any changes in behavior. I can tell you, there are

    differences. Last time I did that, I had two lesbian girls (and they were definitely more on the lesbian side than

    bisexual) suddenly start paying me so much attention that it started causing jealously between them. This is one of

    several examples I can give of how peope started acting very different after I applied some pherlure, or another

    pheromone combination. Usually when I wear pherlure, I wear it alone since I'm still trying to understand what the

    difference between it and my other pheromones are. But it's certainly not the only thing I've had this type of

    difference in behavior with.

  28. #58
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    when I was mixing Pherlure with 'none, I was doing so in a few different ratios:

    1 spray Pherlure:1 spray TE

    sprays Pherlure: 1 spray TE
    1 spray pherlure:2 sprays TE

    Thanks for the ratios Catlord. I don't have any TE

    so I can't experiment with that yet - I may purchase some at some point and give it a go. Here's an interesting

    effect I had with APC and Pherlure (1/2 ounce each) then 1/2 a dropper of chem set Androstenone and a full dropper

    of chem set Androstadienone: Basically DIHL and repetitive looks and stares from 90% of the women in the place

    (Starbuck's) and alot of smiles. The best response though was from a woman who I see in there fairly frequently who

    is usually with her boyfriend and who basically never even gives me the time of day let alone look at me or

    acknowledge my presence. I've seen her there for a month or two now easily and the only eye contact I ever got from

    her was when it was accidental like when 2 people happen to be looking around the room at the same time and their

    eyes just happen to meet. Well, the last 2 nights have opened my eyes because since I added the Androstadienone to

    the mix this girl has not been able to get her eyes off me! Constantly staring at me and she even smiled at

    me. All with her boyfriend sitting right next to her. The difference is like night and day - it's amazing! Talk

    about a rush. I've also noticed more looks from men too but not in a way that I would perceive as threatening. It

    almost seems like a mild fascination. I wonder if this mix somehow does something to my presence in general.

    I'm going to keep playing around with different mixtures as I'm keeping notes on what I do and I'll

    post more as it becomes available.

  29. #59
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    Androstadienone, eh? I'llhave

    to get some of that next time I'm phero shopping. Argh... I shouldn't be spending more money on pheros... I

    shouldn't... I shoudln't... be strong! lol

  30. #60
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    Yes indeed... it seems to be

    a missing link of some sort!

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