Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
Okay, so let's say

that Androstenone (NONE, not RONE) is an aggressive pheromone that is produced from physical exertion. A man who is

all stinky and sweaty may have just been out killing something big and mean.

It could send the "I'm very

dangerous" signal to animals and other people. Other men will respect him, women will fear his power but perhaps be

fascinated with his strength, and animals will either avoid the deadly hunter or supplicate him.

I've had

dogs and cats act very, very submissive when I was wearing strong applications of Androstenone.

So the girls

are reacting to Androstenone because we project strength and power. They get a "scary thrill" from our proximity,

but we're seeing good results from the mixes because we need the other pheromones to show that we are safe and

non-threatening in our aggressive power states.

Does that make sense?

ON EDIT: I know I am mixing up

my Androstenone and Androsterone posts, but I am wiggling toward a Unified Pheromone Theory.

definitely correct, in my opinion. Well done!