I also enjoy gambling, risky

thrills and depend on leaps of faith for much of my creative profession. With the before mentioned mindset

considered, I haven't purchased or tried any pheromonal products based on published research. Instead I've spun

the wheel, tried various products and combos thereof and noted which worked for me. So I've wasted a few benjamins

in the process. I use the same technique for many things: women, musical instruments, audio gear, beer, shoes, etc.

Too often advice based on well founded research simply didn't work for me. After all, all I care about is whether I

like it and if it works for me.

Unfortunately, most products I've tried do absolutely nothing for me. I can

even list them: Chikara, WAGG, IMPI, EW, Perception, and a few more that escape me at the moment. I can only

truthfully state SOE, beta-nol, 'rone and alpha-nol, TE and NPA have yielded consistent and useful results for me

these past few years. So obviously my experiences are subjective, personal and anecdotal as many of these products

work for others.

As for androstanone, I've only used it 3 days but have experienced enough positive results

to feel the product warrants further experimentation on my part. Perhaps these 3 days were mere flukes and I'm

donning snake oil? Very possible. Or perhaps there is something in my body chemistry and persona that mixes well

with androstanone? Mayhaps. I can't say at this point. And if it works for me, it may prove less useful for others.

Scientific research takes decades of trials and duplication to confirm. I'm guessing that 90% of pheromonal

products--like many herbal remedies and supplements--lack true scientific rigor in their development. That is, they

don't really know what the hell they do if anything. Labs islolate the substances and leave it to the masses to

test them out. After large scale studies of various races, age groups and sexes would require massive funding and

years of toil. The few pheromone studies I have read involved extremely small sample groups of individuals and thus

seem more of a stepping stone for further research.

Sorry JV if I hit a nerve in comparing my androstanone

experiences with SOE, a product I use nearly everyday. However, in many ways the before mentioned reactions were

reminiscent of a SOE OD. That is, donning a gel pack or two of SOE and diving into a group of friends and


Well, I'll give androstanone a whirl tomorrow--the last day of the semester--and see what

flies. The worst that can happen is I'll end up ordering a few more bottles of SOE next year...