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  1. #1
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Essence of Alpha Male

    Those who have

    followed my work may wish to note the involvement of the LH receptor. Those who have not can now note that my first

    presentation to a scientific forum (in 1992) was: LH: the link between sex and the sense of



    V. Kohl
    Author/Creator: The Scent of Eros (SoE)

  2. #2
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but

    doesn't birth control mess with prolactin in girls? Or maybe I'm thinking of something else...

  3. #3
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    Birth Control Pills screw

    up numerous things and have physiological effects that are still being cataloged. As to your question, I do believe

    so because birth control pills operate by stimulating a false pregnancy and prolactin is one of the hormones that

    changes in pregnancy.

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4
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    So, wouldn't that mess with the

    effectiveness of pheromone products?

  5. #5
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    The marvelous thing about

    science is that you find the answer to one question, but it raises many others as you have demonstrated. As to

    whether it will definitively (mess) with pheromone's ability to attract? That I can not say for certain without

    experimentation~ Any volunteers?

    Prolactin is associated with the repression of dopamine, which as you know is

    the chemical/neurotransmitter responsible for sexual pleasure among other things. Males with high amounts

    (Hyperprolactinemia Symptoms) experience a

    lost of libido and every man's dread... impotence. As to the effect on females... I do believe a side affect of the

    pills is that they will be harder arouse, therefore you may conclude that it will hinder the ability of pheromones

    to work, if my deduction is correct.

    Of course who knows pheromones may stimulate some sort of pathway that we

    haven't discovered or perhaps interact with current pathways different... (rambling). I'll still with my previous


  6. #6
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default A nose within a nose

    Quote Originally Posted by ShyAsianGuy26 View Post
    Of course who knows pheromones may stimulate some sort of pathway that we haven't

    discovered or perhaps interact with current pathways different...

    University of Maryland

    researchers unlock mystery of a third olfactory system
    “It allows animals to detect food and determine that

    food’s quality, it provides social information like sexual status about other animals, and it can warn an animal

    when a predator is present. Because of the great similarities between humans and animals when it comes to the sense

    of smell, the more we learn about the building blocks of the system, the more we will learn about how odors affect

    our lives.”

    James V. Kohl
    author/creator: The Scent of Eros

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Red face hehe

    Great question about

    the birth control... I too, am very curious to know the answer for that.

  8. #8
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShyAsianGuy26 View Post

    Control Pills screw up numerous things and have physiological effects that are still being cataloged. As to your

    question, I do believe so because birth control pills operate by stimulating a false pregnancy and prolactin is one

    of the hormones that changes in pregnancy.

    Hope this helps.
    In theory, the relatively static

    level of estrogen that is maintained by oral contraceptive disables the cyclic estrogen induced luteinizing hormone

    surge that is accompanied by peak monthly testosterone levels in ovulating women, and their peak interest in sex. It

    is the cyclic estrogen increase, which is disabled by static estrogen levels, that is most associated with women's

    increased olfactory acuity and specificity to the natural body odor of men. Simply put, kill the cycle, and kill the

    sex drive of ovulating women, as many studies suggest.

    James V. Kohl
    author/creator: The Scent of Eros

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Ok, the scientific terms

    got me slighty confused but I think I might have got it.
    So... are you saying that birth control DOES indeed harm

    the pheromone products' efficiency?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl View Post

    Simply put, kill the cycle, and kill the sex drive of ovulating women, as many studies suggest.

    James V.

    author/creator: The Scent of Eros
    I know women who have been through menopause who still have

    plenty of sex drive. Probably not as much as before, but I wouldn't say it was "killed". I'm guessing there are

    also plenty of women who have been through menopause who have no sex drive left. So, the cycle is no doubt linked to

    sex drive, but perhaps not the final word?


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    I gotta put my 2 cents in here.

    I had a GF that was on the pill and her sex drive was too much for me. Everyday sex, I kid you not and when I

    couldn't help her she had this little vibrating massager to use on herself. She couldn't get enough. BTW this was

    way back without mones so I think the idea she couldn't get pregnant made her feel liberated or she was just a

    psycho for sex. I think my girl was maybe a special case. More mental sex drive than hormonal.

    Hmm my hormone

    studies is a bit dusty... if I am correct the pill is progestrogen which makes the girl develop the muccous membrane

    covering the uterus walls at extreme layers preventing the zygote from attaching itself to the walls. since LH is

    the opposite of FSH estrogen makes em horny and LH makes em mommies, yeah they would be less sex drive and more

    wanting to smell flowers and walk on beaches and take care of loving creatures. And I think I too am correct that in

    that state if you suck on their nipples long enough like wks, they will produce milk. I remember hearing it makes

    their boobs bigger since I guess the mamari glands are being filled. just the oxitocina( sorry I only remember the

    spanish term) is not present to contract the mamaries but I guess with a little help they will secrete

    hormones are fun!

    So from my POV, I see this as maybe a good thing. Since most girl will take pills if they are

    already in a relationship, long-term that is. I know many girls do not like taking it but since they are in a

    relationship with lots of sex, they don't want to make a mistake so prevent it all together with the pill. So our

    mones is only pulling in girls that are not getting much sex and are fertile and horny. Sounds good to me.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Actually, I myself have a

    g/f on the pills and everytime we meet she wants & gets sex. We're together for about 2 months and only once have

    we met and not made love\sex...
    And that was the first time we went to a movie so I wouldn't even count

    The `mones dO drive her crazy & she says I opened up a VERY horney & open-minded side of her.
    But I'm still

    curious to know what the scientific side of it all is... Are the pills (scientificaly) supposed to make it harder on

    her to recieve the `mones and be affected by them?

  13. #13
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post

    I'm still curious to know what the scientific side of it all is... Are the pills (scientificaly) supposed to make

    it harder on her to recieve the `mones and be affected by them?
    The answer to your question is:

    Yes! However, this thread is another example of why I quit posting anything besides research-oriented information.

    And here, even when it started with research, discussion took it to individual opinions, which are great for the

    individuals to whom they apply, and great for some people who want to discuss opinions. I'll opt out of further

    discussion of opinions and continue to pursue the science.

    James V. Kohl
    author/creator: The Scent of


  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Science is great and it

    gives the answers we were looking for, but sometimes it helps to add an explenation that is a bit more readable by

    people who are somewhat less experienced with the scientific terms. An explenation such as the simple "Yes!" you

    just gave.
    People should be free to give their own opinions based on their experience - Science is great, but

    although it strives to - it is not yet complete
    Please don't quit giving your own experience. Specially being

    it a more profound one in scientific terms
    The fact that other people post their own ideas & views doesn't take

    back from your replies nor theirs'... Especially taking into account that your product is one of my 3 top favorites

    Anyway what I'm trying to say is: It wasn't that discussion took it to individual opinions, but rather

    that the science was put into a too-sophisticated lenguage (at least in my standarts). That simple yes was - though

    quite a sad thing to hear - all the answer I was lacking
    Last edited by tenaciousBLADE; 09-03-2007 at 12:02 AM. Reason: spelling cleanup

  15. #15
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Areas for appropriate responses.

    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    Science is great and it gives the answers we were looking for, but

    sometimes it helps to add an explenation that is a bit more readable by people who are somewhat less experienced

    with the scientific terms. An explenation such as the simple "Yes!" you just gave.
    People should be free to give

    their own opinions based on their experience - Science is great, but although it strives to - it is not yet complete

    Please don't quit giving your own experience. Specially being it a more profound one in scientific terms

    The fact that other people post their own ideas & views doesn't take back from your replies nor theirs'...

    Especially taking into account that your product is one of my 3 top favorites
    Anyway what I'm trying to

    say is: It wasn't that discussion took it to individual opinions, but rather that the science was put into a

    too-sophisticated lenguage (at least in my standarts). That simple yes was - though quite a sad thing to hear - all

    the answer I was lacking
    Ive noticed that Essence of Alpha Male has ended

    up in the Pheromone Discussion area, so we must therefore assume that is was purposefully placed here to get

    attention and feedback comments from all or anyone wishing to contribute their own input regarding the material

    posted up as the thread starter.

    It would be obvious that if a poster did not wish to communicate in a general and normal

    manner with other individuals on the forum with respect to their presentations of opinions posted then they would

    have the option of keeping their statements confined to another more suitable area that may facilitate their needs

    more adequately.

    So it is thankfully appreciated that the God of science has thrown us a crumb of scientific

    material, that hopefully we may digest.

    And therefore become wise and gain an understanding of the subject which is of

    an interest, and also a possable benefit to most of us.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    lol.. nicely and

    interestingly put

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl View Post

    when it started with research, discussion took it to individual opinions, which are great for the individuals to

    whom they apply, and great for some people who want to discuss opinions. I'll opt out of further discussion of

    opinions and continue to pursue the science.

    James V. Kohl
    author/creator: The Scent of Eros


    I respect you a lot, I am a huge fan of SOE, and your input to this forum has clearly been invaluable

    over the years.

    Having said that, I must say your response is confusing to me, because it seems dismissive and

    self-righteous. I was trained as a scientist too (molecular biology)-- worked at Cold Spring Harbor Lab at one point

    in fact. And I think it is absurd to believe that science does not include opinions. Is that what you were trying to


    Scientists are some of the most opinionated, arguementative people I've met. There is constant debate in

    scientific journals based on opinion. Interpretation of data and results always involves judgment and opinion at

    some level. Science is not pure or objective. Science is a human paradigm, and humans are by nature subjective.

    And no less so when you are dealing with the effects of chemicals on human behvior. This is anything but

    objective. Even randomized, double-blind studies are subject to interpretation. The conclusions of any research are

    never fact, but are the opinion of the researcher--theoretically they are based on pure logic, but if that were the

    case we wouldn't have so much debate in every field of science.

    We could take this into a whole debate over

    epistemology (how we know what we know), but actually I don't even think we were giving opinions anyway. We were

    describing anecdotal evidence that seems to contradict the science you were sharing, and we were simply asking how

    you might explain this anecdotal evidence in light of the research.

    The fact is that NOT ALL women lose their

    sex drive when they lose their cycle, so we were curious how that fits into the science you are trying to share. I

    don't think that is expressing opinion so much as trying to understand how the sophisticated study you were sharing

    fits in with other observations.



  18. #18
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    lol.. nicely and interestingly put
    I only

    thought it would be obviously expected that one should receive questions to a post he had posted on a forum of this


    Otherwise the information would have been more suited

    to a scientific journal ect........ Eg to be veiwed disected and understood by educated academic and or scientific

    minded individuals.

    I am thankfull that the Gentleman

    does dispense of his valuable time to give us the information that he contributes, but i for one being just a normal

    type BUFFOON would have some difficulty in understanding the material and i really appreciate the feedback given

    when i see other members asking for clarification on the posted material at times., and this usually leads me to

    understand the scientific wording and meanings of the original post.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 09-03-2007 at 10:38 PM. Reason: x word
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  19. #19
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default A Mammoth Task in the Creation of SOE.

    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl View Post
    Those who have followed my work may wish to note the involvement of the LH

    receptor. Those who have not can now note that my first presentation to a scientific forum (in 1992) was: LH: the

    link between sex and the sense of smell?

    James V.

    Author/Creator: The Scent of Eros (SoE)
    I being an uducated person can

    hardly begin to imagion the Intelligence requirement that must have gone in to the creation of Scent of



    would say it must have been a mammoth task in just being able to convince say Stone Labs for example, or whoever, to

    go so far out on a limb and actually combine two completly unknown pheromones like Androstenol and Androsterone at a

    80% - 20% ratio.

    Then the actual mind draining task of finding sutch a beautifull name to compliment the product is

    i feel worthy of great applause.

    But the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and the society of this great planet Earth has

    indeed been blessed by the exceeding brilliance of this great creator.

    In conclusion i can only add that we are so

    privileged to actually have a being of this magnificient magnitude in our prescence and it is only natural to want

    to reach out and touch the hem of his garment in sweet communion....
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  20. #20
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAtriathlete View Post
    I think it is absurd to believe that science does not include opinions. Is

    that what you were trying to say?-CAt
    I specified "individual" opinions, which are based on anecdotal

    (i.e., subjective) evidence. In any case, your points are well-taken. At least you know about epistemology. When I

    continue to discuss the science, people (see terry0400-40) make comments that I find offensive: "In conclusion i can

    only add that we are so privileged to actually have a being of this magnificient magnitude in our prescence and it

    is only natural to want to reach out and touch the hem of his garment in sweet communion...."

    Quote Originally Posted by CAtriathlete View Post
    We could take this into a whole debate over epistemology (how we know what we

    know), but actually I don't even think we were giving opinions anyway.

    We were describing anecdotal evidence

    that seems to contradict the science you were sharing, and we were simply asking how you might explain this

    anecdotal evidence in light of the research.-CAt
    "Seems to contradict" is the key issue. If people

    were more interested in learning about the science, they would find no contradictions--other than in their own

    anecdotes. They might then try to scientifically establish why these contradictions exist (in their world, and often

    in others).

    Quote Originally Posted by CAtriathlete View Post
    The fact is that NOT ALL women lose their sex drive when they lose

    their cycle, so we were curious how that fits into the science you are trying to share. I don't think that is

    expressing opinion so much as trying to understand how the sophisticated study you were sharing fits in with other

    A woman whose life-long experience with pheromones has conditioned her sexual

    response cycle very positively, is not nearly as likely to lose her hormone-dependent sex drive. In fact, due to the

    estrogen decline, the effects of testosterone may bee "unmasked" in some cases leading to increased sex drive. But,

    as you can probably tell, this is a scientific explanation, not merely an individual opinion based on someone's

    anecdotal experience.

    And, given the ridicule I've experienced from anonymous members of this Forum, you can

    also probably tell why I care less and less about what people think or say--compared to non-anonymous researchers

    with whom I regularly correspond. I don't think that is so much an issue of my ego, as it is how I choose to spend

    my productive time.

    I don't mind spending time responding to comments like yours, but there are too many

    people on this Forum who are not the least bit interested in the science of human pheromones.

    James V.

    author/creator: The Scent of Eros

  21. #21
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    The there are those of us that

    read every scientific post and may ask an occasional question but rarely venture an opinion because we realize we

    aren't qualified. Question should always be voiced, even (especially) from us laymen. It helps us better understand

    the issues and concepts. Random babble is another thing and I can understand why that would upset any serious


    There are all kinds of people on any public forum. But I think the majority feel they benefit from the

    scientific posts, even if we don't feel we know enough to have an opinion.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl View Post
    When I

    continue to discuss the science, people (see terry0400-40) make comments that I find offensive: "In conclusion i can

    only add that we are so privileged to actually have a being of this magnificient magnitude in our prescence and it

    is only natural to want to reach out and touch the hem of his garment in sweet communion...."
    James, I

    hate to mention this, but, I think Terry was giving you a complement, in his own odd way.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  23. #23
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default The J V Personalised ?

    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl View Post
    I specified "individual" opinions, which are based on anecdotal (i.e., subjective) evidence.

    In any case, your points are well-taken. At least you know about epistemology. When I continue to discuss the

    science, people (see terry0400-40) make comments that I find offensive: "In conclusion i can only add that we are so

    privileged to actually have a being of this magnificient magnitude in our prescence and it is only natural to want

    to reach out and touch the hem of his garment in sweet communion...."

    "Seems to contradict" is the key

    issue. If people were more interested in learning about the science, they would find no contradictions--other than

    in their own anecdotes. They might then try to scientifically establish why these contradictions exist (in their

    world, and often in others).

    A woman whose life-long experience with pheromones has conditioned her sexual

    response cycle very positively, is not nearly as likely to lose her hormone-dependent sex drive. In fact, due to the

    estrogen decline, the effects of testosterone may bee "unmasked" in some cases leading to increased sex drive. But,

    as you can probably tell, this is a scientific explanation, not merely an individual opinion based on someone's

    anecdotal experience.

    And, given the ridicule I've experienced from anonymous members of this Forum, you can

    also probably tell why I care less and less about what people think or say--compared to non-anonymous researchers

    with whom I regularly correspond. I don't think that is so much an issue of my ego, as it is how I choose to spend

    my productive time.

    I don't mind spending time responding to comments like yours, but there are too many people

    on this Forum who are not the least bit interested in the science of human pheromones.

    James V.

    author/creator: The Scent of Eros
    PLZ dont be offended by me Big Guy

    JV , Im just spraying up a little chalk dust talk, And i am one of those who probably are not so interested in the

    hard nosed science of Pheromone research, ha ga ga, But i do enjoy the effects of applying a substance and observing

    some of the magic that it can add to a scene.

    But you are a good bloke i would say,
    And you have your way of expressing your self, I amoungst others probably just reacting a little

    as we like to see more of you, and probably un be known to us would like to share closer and some warm rapport with


    And i

    sure can be a stupid headed little ninny sometimes as all can plainly see,

    But in heart wish you well with peace and prosperity. in truth.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Red face Acceptance is the bridge between us. Let us all help build it for one another.

    First thing's first...

    Originally Posted by

    Originally Posted by jvkohl



    When I continue to discuss the science, people (see terry0400-40) make

    comments that I find offensive: "In conclusion i can only add that we are so privileged to actually have a being of

    this magnificient magnitude in our prescence and it is only natural to want to reach out and touch the hem of his

    garment in sweet communion...."
    James, I hate to mention this, but, I think Terry was giving you a

    complement, in his own odd way.
    I totally agree. In fact I based my own

    Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE



    lol.. nicely and interestingly put
    on that

    exact notion. So jvkohl... take it easy . I'm pretty sure we all here have the fullest respect for

    your input. I know I do... furthermore, I look forward to it everytime


    at leat such high level science as how pheromones work (and make no mistake of it: I honestly view this type of

    science as a very high-level one), is not reachable for anyone and takes a lot of effort to learn & study (you

    should know ). Some people cannot afford the time\money or patience to actually go and study that science

    thoroughly. You said:
    Originally Posted by jvkohl



    If people were more interested in learning about the science, they would find

    no contradictions--other than in their own anecdotes. They might then try to scientifically establish why these

    contradictions exist (in their world, and often in others).
    Some peoples' way of learning about science

    such as this particular one, is to read and post in forums such as this. I'm sure you can understand that, right?

    Including myself in that group of people, i can say, that we do learn alot from your posts... Yet it may

    take some of us some time to realize or fully understand what your answers mean exactly; considering that we do not

    have the jargon nor the experience with such complexed and sometimes never-before-heared (through our ears at least)

    scientific lingo.

    I can only speak for myself, however I don't think anyone here had any intension of insulting

    you in any way
    Granted, sometimes you might sound\seem\feel a little "dismissive and self-righteous"...

    because it seems as if you only reply to people with the scentific background... as if the lot of us who hasn't

    learned on that specific field has no right to talk with you or earn your respect\experience\answers. But my guess

    is that you might think of our replies in the same manner sometimes... and that the fact that we reply in a lingo

    that is a bit weak may feel insulting to you. Well please take these next few words not as an insult, but as a

    compliment... `coz that is honestly the way I mean them:
    Some of us venture our opinions out of curiosity. Science

    is not defenent and that is exactly the reason it still exists as a developping proccess... to answer the questions

    it raises up, and fill the curiosity of human nature. I can't speak for others yet I'm pretty sure most here would

    agree with me (no offense anyone)... I am curious and when I don't understand an answer I keep on asking the

    question and try to explain my question a bit more to the detail. The answer wasn't clear to me... up until the

    very point you said "Yes". In no way should it be offensieve to you that a simple word was needed.

    What I'm

    trying to say, jvkohl, is simply (and sincerely):
    Don't be offended by our ignorance. Just try to help us

    through it instead
    `Coz honestly... You're one of the most experienced people on the forums, and as such -

    you're one we can learn from; but for that to happen you have to let us. So why threat to quit posting, when you

    can just teach us some valuable knowledge about your field insted?

    Well, I trully hope I got at

    least SOME of the situation right and that my words helped in some way what so ever. `Coz otherwise I've just made

    a big fool of myself

    JV, people have made some respectable efforts with their words to try and make you

    understand that we mean no harm. Please... make that worthwhile and keep on posting your knowledge mate

    all for a good edjucative pupose

  25. #25
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    First thing's first...

    I totally agree. In fact I based my own reply...

    on that exact notion. So jvkohl... take it easy . I'm pretty sure we all here have the

    fullest respect for your input. I know I do... furthermore, I look forward to it everytime

    Science, at leat such high level science as how pheromones work (and make no mistake of it: I honestly

    view this type of science as a very high-level one), is not reachable for anyone and takes a lot of effort to learn

    & study (you should know ). Some people cannot afford the time\money or patience to actually go and study that

    science thoroughly. You said:

    Some peoples' way of learning about science such as this particular one, is to

    read and post in forums such as this. I'm sure you can understand that, right?
    Including myself in that group

    of people, i can say, that we do learn alot from your posts... Yet it may take some of us some time to

    realize or fully understand what your answers mean exactly; considering that we do not have the jargon nor the

    experience with such complexed and sometimes never-before-heared (through our ears at least) scientific lingo.


    can only speak for myself, however I don't think anyone here had any intension of insulting you in any way

    Granted, sometimes you might sound\seem\feel a little "dismissive and self-righteous"... because it seems as

    if you only reply to people with the scentific background... as if the lot of us who hasn't learned on that

    specific field has no right to talk with you or earn your respect\experience\answers. But my guess is that you

    might think of our replies in the same manner sometimes... and that the fact that we reply in a lingo that is a bit

    weak may feel insulting to you. Well please take these next few words not as an insult, but as a compliment... `coz

    that is honestly the way I mean them:
    Some of us venture our opinions out of curiosity. Science is not defenent and

    that is exactly the reason it still exists as a developping proccess... to answer the questions it raises up, and

    fill the curiosity of human nature. I can't speak for others yet I'm pretty sure most here would agree with me (no

    offense anyone)... I am curious and when I don't understand an answer I keep on asking the question and try to

    explain my question a bit more to the detail. The answer wasn't clear to me... up until the very point you said

    "Yes". In no way should it be offensieve to you that a simple word was needed.

    What I'm trying to say,

    jvkohl, is simply (and sincerely):
    Don't be offended by our ignorance. Just try to help us through it

    `Coz honestly... You're one of the most experienced people on the forums, and as such - you're one we

    can learn from; but for that to happen you have to let us. So why threat to quit posting, when you can just teach us

    some valuable knowledge about your field insted?

    Well, I trully hope I got at least SOME of the

    situation right and that my words helped in some way what so ever. `Coz otherwise I've just made a big fool of


    JV, people have made some respectable efforts with their words to try and make you understand that

    we mean no harm. Please... make that worthwhile and keep on posting your knowledge mate
    It's all for a good

    edjucative pupose
    I will second what you have said T Blade, i

    wouldn't for one minute think you have made a fool of your self in making your sincere comments it just shows us

    that you are made up of fine material. good silk nickers type stuff lol,

    Oh excuse my stupid puns once again iv started up, i hope not.

    Well in all honesty my lack of understanding

    of the man within the scientist has caused me to react in a less than pure intent when discussing the Great One, the

    Great well Established Icon @ Love- Scent, And i have exibited an amount of cheeky



    when i had discovered to my suprise that the Great One had actually read and commented on my post, that even may

    have ruffled some of his tail feathers a tad,

    His human reaction

    had a really softening and humbling effect upon me where i did really feel compassion within my self for him as a

    human being, the one within the scientist.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  26. #26
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post

    pretty sure we all here have the fullest respect for your input. I know I do... furthermore, I look forward to it

    Thanks, but you must have missed the thread that caused me to drop out of most general

    discussion. Here's what Bruce had to say about my


    When the anonymous

    Bubba was pronounced the superior scientist, I found a different Forum where my "hard" scientific approach was

    better accepted than the "soft" social science of others, like Bubba, who contribute here. It's great when people

    don't misinterpret my comments and when I don't misinterpret theirs--but as we all know--it happens. I'm glad you

    took the time to help explain why it happens.

    James V. Kohl
    author/creator: The Scent of Eros

  27. #27
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    There was a lot more to that

    discussion and that one post, taken out of context, is unfair to everybody. If anybody would like to know more,

    please read the entire thread:
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  28. #28
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Thanks - I was wondering

    how to get there, and I did get to think to myself "ok... but why did he only sned me that one post?"

  29. #29
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    There was a

    lot more to that discussion and that one post, taken out of context, is unfair to everybody.

    belgareth. I tried to place Bruce's post in the context of "hard" science, like neuroscience, compared to "soft"

    science, like social psychology. Different branches of science have different philosophical approaches.

    James V. Kohl

  30. #30
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl View Post

    branches of science have different philosophical approaches.
    I am far less critical of the soft

    science approach than others, and am not advocating that any contributer to this Forum become a shoe salesperson. On

    the other hand, I do not wish to engage them in debate about my ego after they have repeatedly commented negatively

    on my hard science approach.

    “Since the null hypothesis refutation racket is “steady work” and has the

    merits of an automated research grinding device, scholars who are pardonably devoted to making more money and

    keeping their jobs so that they can pay off the mortgage and buy hamburgers for the wife and kids are unlikely to

    contemplate with equanimity a criticism that says that their whole procedure is scientifically feckless and that

    they should quit doing it and do something else. In the soft areas of psychology that might, in some cases, mean

    that they should quit the academy and make an honest living selling shoes, which people of bookish temperament

    naturally do not want to do.”

    Full text


    PE Meehl has other works that attest to

    the number of doctoral students he has taught, and that no one ever told him--even anonymously--that they thought

    his ego was the problem.

    James V. Kohl
    author/creator: The Scent of Eros

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